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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2019
Jack of all trades/Master of none
At least they managed to get it back to the shop, I had to do those drive hoses on mine in the mud on a jobsite a couple years ago.


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
I spent 45 minutes trying to get on this site this morning and finally gave up. Right now, its lagging bad enough that It's irritating me.

The meeting went well. I haven't given them numbers yet as I want to go over them this weekend. Sounds like they are willing to let me run the show as a fulltime contractor. That way I can keep my company open and operating but will doing their work 40 hours a week.

I will update a bit more in the morning if my computer/ HEF co-operate.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
Just keep greasing those wheels. Sounds like they know they need you, and suspect the only way you keep their machinery running is if you keep operating like you always have.

Biggest question is, if you can lock this gig in at a set rate schedule for whatever amount of time you feel is right, will you give them a bit of a break? To make them feel like they've won a little?


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
SO, in this episode of "You guys haven't given me a good soap opera name that is catchy yet lol), lets update a bit more of what was discussed this last meeting.

Direction of the company ..........I point blank asked what is the future here? Marcus (CEO) said to continue to build the company, but to also streamline things to be much more efficient. In what way where it concerns the pm/repair of the equipment? He admits it's a clusterf*&k and not in respect to me. He said they spent over $1 mil last year in repair costs to the Deere dealer here alone. That is NOT me sending Deere stuff or calling them on jobs to do. That is from super's doing it with zero discretion. He asked how much could we have done in house? A lot of it providing I have the facility and tooling to do so. Since I am not aware of the things Deere did last year, I couldn't say if I could have.

What would I need in reference to make things happen to change the direction? I told him SUPPORT!! I said this company still has the same shop and less tooling than when the company started with 3 pieces of equipment and as long as I have been around, there has never been any investment of significance that I have seen on the pm/repair side of the equipment. That has to change and he agreed. You have over 150 pieces now and its an impossible task currently.
I could use 2 guys under me that are efficient and/or trainable starting at a decent livable pay. I told him a big problem in the past was that the company was notorious for skimping on raises. If you want me to take on training someone, I have to be able to pay them what they are worth. No more of that .50 cent raise bs every 2 years .....if they even get a raise. I want to pay them and do pay raises according to what their abilities are.......no questions asked. I explained that if you want to train someone to replace me or anyone else you better be ready to do what it takes to keep them. I told him it would take me 3 years to have someone proficient enough that I think they could handle most things on their own.........and THAT is a crash course full speed ahead. If we don't take care of them, they will bolt the company for another $1 an hour and I will be starting that 3 year cycle ALL OVER AGAIN.

More to come tonight...........plenty more, but I gotta go to work. Episode 2 is coming shortly.............