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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
Self employed Heavy duty mechanic
I think you’re being fair.
At least the guy seems to be honest about his abilities and isn’t trying to run you off.
I see him getting tired and frustrated when he gets overwhelmed and he will the be as you stated “ temporary “.
As far as a mall manager becoming an equipment manager I don’t think he will ever really get it as long as he doesn’t understand the repair process.

LMM. Loves M&Ms


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2019
New Hampshire
Now that I have a minute..............

Good grief.....stay tuned!

Am I being fair?......or am I being a prick?
Your calling it as you see it.
I equate being a mechanic as also being a life guard with some customers. You see their strengths and weaknesses. You can only advise them to stay out of the deep end.........but there they go.......right in over their head. And then you go out and save them. I say my peace......if they want to listen, fine. If not then my 'Give a Crap' goes downhill and I stop being so quick fixing stupid.

I'd broach the subject of LMM with someone higher up than Alan. Speak your piece, see what happens.
But I think, based on your comments; your give a crap has gone down hill.

As for the hose taking all day on the roller...........I was working on a 725 rock truck last year. Took all day to replace 2 hoses. Seemed like everything was in the way. Lying on top of the engine/ trans in between the cab.....not fun. Move 4-6 hoses to get one out and replaced. Picking out old brittle o rings to replace them in places my hands barely fit..........you know the game.

OK............you MUST SHARE what LMM stands for!! Inquiring minds want to know!!

I noticed it was around 70F yesterday in Oklahoma.

I'm standing down today getting ready for a Nor'easter to come through NH. Expecting 12+ inches of snow. Honestly can't complain......we haven't had winter........no snow.......lots of rain.

Now that your stepping back.........you can dedicate more time to getting 'VTECHS STUD SERVICE' up and running!! VTech's stud service -copyright protected

Good luck brother!! Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Southwest Cook County Illinois
None currently
Low money mechanic.
Your wanting to move it out of the street seems professional to me.
Paid 100$ to move kids car into garage due to sloped driveway.
Twice come to think about it.
Hope you force the move if you get involved.
You have earned the right to be a prick.
Thier decision making has more in common with name that tune.


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2018
All the company sees is the cost to move the equipment, not the extra time or concerns from field repair. Allen doesn’t know anything to know better and LMM is used to shop work I’m guessing, going to take him even longer with his repairs. I don’t blame you for getting some distance from this.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I'd give him a chance. He may not be the best but he could be better than nothing. Hopefully he's trainable. When he was described as slow, who was that compared to, a mechanic with 10 or more years experience? Speed comes with experience and from what I've seen very few are fast and accurate. I think quality is more important than if it takes a little longer. Some people seem to be really fast but they're taking short cuts and often missing things. I mentioned in the past a welder who seemed way faster than anybody else. He was only faster because he was only doing 2 pass welds when the blueprints specified 3 passes. It's a good thing the customer didn't have a 3rd party inspector come in. Some major oil companies had very picky inspectors come in. Some skids even required X-rays on the main cross member welds.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2010
Sunny South Carolina
Master Inj.Pump rebuilder
You’ve gotta right to be skeptical..
If he’s from a temp service, they don’t have to pay any benefits.. I guess that’s 1 way to save money..
I wonder if he has a DL to drive a service truck..??
As long as he’s not under your feet.. let it ride..
Do u think he’ll tell whoever is sending him out on these jobs, that he doesn’t know how to do something.??
I guess we’ll find out in time..
My personal thought.. does anyone know of a GOOD diesel mechanic that works thru a temp service.??

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
There could be a few reasons he's with temp. service. After what they originally thought was encephalitis a temp. service was recommended to help me get back into the workforce after about a year. I needed something pretty low stress. I did get on with a welding supply but the manager was intimidated by me because he thought he knew everything but didn't. Coming up to my 3 month probation he said I was quite knowledgeable but they weren't going to keep me. It was actually a relief. It's never good when you have to wonder what mood the boss will be in and try to avoid him as much as possible.

The LMM getting a favorable reference from the JD dealer is worth giving him a chance. If you can set up some basic guidelines like to call you if something is over his head or he needs assistance could be beneficial. Also that jobs like the axle are best to bring back to the shop. Even if he can do most of the basic maintenance and simpler repairs free's up your time.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
I would have walked from this company a long long time ago
Easy to be a keyboard quarterback. I've been on this board before Vtech joined, and the money he's made from this company is nothing to shrug off. None of us know what his financial situation is, or should. If/when he decides to cut and run, we might know, or we might not. Doesn't really matter.