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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Let me ask u.. Do they pay their bills on time or is it strung along until a current job gets paid and then everyone gets caught up..?? (until next time)
I've never has a problem getting paid. Average time is 2-3 weeks.
I thought this loader axle was the new guy's problem? Don't you have other broken stuff to fix?
Well, after I saw how he was proceeding with this I realized he has never done this before. Intervening was a safety protocol.
It had to come back to the shop to get replaced anyway?
At my request.

LMM brought the loader into the shop without cleaning it. It had mud and grease 6 inches deep on top of the axle bolts. Nope, I'm not breaking a machine down like that..........clean it up. He then asked me if I thought the shop transmission jack would hold the weight of the axle assembly. I said NO it won't and that's a good way to get hurt. Alan shows up to see what's going on and decides I need to take the lead......good idea because the way LMM planned this he was going to lose a foot or a hand and bleed to death on the shop floor. We used the machine hydraulics to set it up for removal and used the forklift for the tire and axle removal. Afterwards, LMM says he would have never thought of that. It was pretty simple when you have 40+ years of experience..........he got a good lesson session.

He also has a 333G loader in the shop. I didn't know what was going on with it, but he started it yesterday morning and within 10 seconds the engine went to the moon.....it dam near didn't shut down at all..........filled the shop with heavy smoke. I asked him WTF was that!? He said he thought the engine was running on DEF fluid..................NO, that's coolant your smelling, not DEF. I had to explain that if the engine is running away, something has to be entering the combustion chamber to override the governor controls. Coolant is entering the engine and mixing with the fuel spray and not completely burning................so the engine is continuing to run on it. He had this look on his face like he was embarrassed. I don't plan on getting involved with this one. He can call the Deere dealer and have them diagnose the issue.......or crater the engine.


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
On another note......The wife's kids that quit on her almost a year ago have continued their silence to us.........still being denied seeing the grandkids. I noticed the oldest daughter this last Saturday doing her first yard mow of this season (actually MY riding mower but I left it for her and her younger sister to use, being the nice guy). I noticed she didn't finish the yard and hasn't since, and her sister hasn't mowed as of yet. Both of these girls are anal about the grass........so I KNOW the mower has broken down and hasn't been fixed. It's unlikely they can fix it, so they are in a quandary.......and they dam sure aren't going to call dad to fix it like I used to do. They quit answering texts months ago, so I have no way to communicate with them.

I put this in their mailboxes this morning.
OK, I might be rubbing it in a bit, but sometimes a bit of humor goes a long way! ;)


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2011
G..G..G..Granville.........!! Fetch your cloth.
Maybe you should treat him a bit like Jethro Clampitt from the Beverly Hillbillies. "Not too much up top and good at lifting heavy weights". If the possibility exists could you maybe use him to do loads of grunt stuff working under clear & detailed instructions and not giving him the option for independent thought. I dunno.?


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2019
New Hampshire
He also has a 333G loader in the shop. I didn't know what was going on with it, but he started it yesterday morning and within 10 seconds the engine went to the moon.....it dam near didn't shut down at all..........filled the shop with heavy smoke. I asked him WTF was that!? He said he thought the engine was running on DEF fluid..................NO, that's coolant your smelling, not DEF. I had to explain that if the engine is running away, something has to be entering the combustion chamber to override the governor controls. Coolant is entering the engine and mixing with the fuel spray and not completely burning................so the engine is continuing to run on it. He had this look on his face like he was embarrassed. I don't plan on getting involved with this one. He can call the Deere dealer and have them diagnose the issue.......or crater the engine.
Sometimes education is expensive...........

How old did you say LMM is??

Guess you need to get a bottle of ammonia and a jug of antifreeze...........blindfold him and open the jugs. This is what DEF smells like in the exhaust ...............and THIS is what antifreeze smells like!!
Hell.........have him taste both too!! Might as well get all the senses involved........since he has none.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
Musta been something in the air..?? I started my rider up the other day and that baby TOOK OFF.!!
I’ve seen and been around DIESELS that “run-away” but never a gasoline engine..
I liked to never got that sucker shut down before it ventilated the block.!!

My gas golf cart would run backwards sometimes, strangest thing you would hop off it and it would roll forward a foot or too, kick off running backwards and go backwards 6" or a little more.


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2012
Central New York, USA
Retired Mechanic in Stone Quarry
My gas golf cart would run backwards sometimes, strangest thing you would hop off it and it would roll forward a foot or too, kick off running backwards and go backwards 6" or a little more.
I recall seeing an old manual transmission Euclid do that when driver stalled it going up a hill loaded. Lucky someone near by knew to kill it then restart before any major damage was done. Do recall it pushed some of the oil out of the oil bath air filter!