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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
I'm having withdrawl symptoms here......;)
I haven't been by there. The lube truck driver called me Friday and said that the newest hire for the shop was a 20-year asphalt truck driver. talked with him a few minutes and he admitted he knew less about equipment and repair than LMM does. :rolleyes: :oops: I'll be by there wednesday.....I'll find out more I'm sure.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2008
excavating contractor
In closing this morning's episode of "WTF!!!" LOL.............I decided to capture my thoughts in a pic. I used 2 of my grand daughters toys here to simulate what is happening with this customer and many others in this industry.View attachment 248806
.......this seems to be what happens most of the time. That FWF guy always gets me in trouble when he starts gif'n;)

Are you Ken? or are you the Giraffe?
keep up the good work Vetech,and always make sure your on the Ken side of things. LOL


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2010
Sunny South Carolina
Master Inj.Pump rebuilder
V.. if you’re not there, who’s supposed to be “training” these people.?? Wasn’t THAT the purpose of all those meetings??
Other than them trying to hire you.. I thought that was the conclusion at the end..??
They hire a couple of goons and u train them and in a few years u cut ties..


Senior Member
Oct 19, 2011


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Ok, time for an update.

I haven't been at that construction company since my previous posting above.......until yesterday. I managed to get the completed rail assemblies under the 250G and finished that job. This was the last job I had that wasn't completed for them.

While there, LMM has broken the eye off a angle cylinder on a Deere 650J (no idea how it happened and didn't ask). He said he couldn't get the piston off the rod because the rod kept turning in the vice. He said he had ordered a new rod and had tried everything he could think of to get the piston retaining bolt out to no avail. Him and the new guy (TBD) had welded lines down the length of the rod.......I guess to solve the rod rotation problem. I asked how long he had been screwing with it..........a day and a half. I asked why they didn't just weld the old head back on the rod and use the rod head to hold it. The look on their face made me realize that it never dawned on them. I said that should have been a 20 minute job.........10 minutes to try and get it off with an impact or cheater pipe.......10 minutes to cut the bolt head off with a torch if the impact didn't work. He then asked me if he should cut the piston off and order a new one! F&*% ME......I just said to cut the bolt head off and save the piston for crying out loud. I walked off and left it up to the bozos.

Enough about LMM and TBD. One long time super caught me at the track job. He said him and others have been complaining to Alan about things not getting fixed and the time equipment is down. He also informed me that the bozos broke that rod end trying to reseal the cylinder. He said they had denied it at first, but admitted they did break it. He believes this experiment is almost over.

Then the asphalt super calls me about a paver having issues. 1st time I have heard from them in 5 weeks. He informs me that Alan has no control over the asphalt side of this company and as far as they were concerned, I would be continuing to do the service and repair work for them. He said he didn't want LMM and TBD touching his equipment.

The locks on the shop and supply room were changed a week or so ago. The lube guy told me that Alan requested the lock change. TBD ( I hadn't met this guy yet at this point) told the lube guy that the change was because of me. LOL......not sure what that means exactly..........but since Alan hasn't dispatched me in over a month on anything I have to assume he is locking me out. Doesn't hurt my feelings.......but LMM and TBD told him that if they gave out the new combination to anyone, Alan said he would pull the A/C out of the shop LOL. Lube guy said LMM has about had his fill with Alan.

Then, today the general super calls me.........haven't heard from him in over a month. He said he has had it with Alan, LMM, and TBD. Nothing is getting done and it's taking forever to do the simplest things. He tells me he is going to contact the CEO and get permission to override Alans control to allow me to get back to what I was doing. He felt it wouldn't be a problem.

Not sure about where things may go from here. I do feel like Alan has been doing everything he can to shut me out. More than likely because of me questioning him when LMM started on decisions about equipment repairs and spending. I also told him LMM wasn't the guy after the first week. Seems he doesnt want to be questioned by someone

digger doug

Senior Member
Nov 2, 2011
NW Pennsylvania
Thrash-A-Matic designer
Sounds like Alan is running some sort of game, maybe LMM and TBD are kicking back a few dollars each week eh ?
Maybe he keeps them at a "job" and they don't get hassled by a parole officer or something
along those lines ?
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Senior Member
Apr 18, 2014
SE Queensland
Obviously I'm half a world away, but I gotta ask.
Is this a unique situation or is this where we as a society are headed? I may have lived under a rock, but I've certainly never come across anything like it, most companies/businesses have at least a few idiots floating around, but not usually in a position of authority where they can do whats occuring in this instance.