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Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Funny thing is----------------80% of women are not looking at you guy's with a gut and plumbers crack saying {OH Baby}. It works both ways and the ones on the Sandals ad {Stop Dreaming
it is not going to happen not even a chance}. A bunch of Charlie Browns.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
It does work both ways. I think the message is that people should have some awareness about what they're wearing. The teenagers wearing their pants really low is another good example. If you want attention there's better ways of going about it.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Much of it is fad. Then you have the identity/lifestyle types. Such as the construction worker that wears safety colored shirts and jackets 24/7, they want people to know their occupation and crowd
they hang with. Same for the one in the photo below-identity/lifestyle wants everyone to know he's a Harley biker. But really what does a Harley represent? IMO it represents the American motorcycle.
How it ever got tangled with looking badass, lowbrow or representing P.O,W.'s well any number speculations could happen out of that. But a person can own a Harley and still be presentable riding it.
It's kind of like young guy's wearing pant's low in the butt, they want you to know they identify with gang bangers. Wearing a hat backwards that just tells me that person sticks his head in the plate
when eating his beans and weenies and doesn't want the bill in the way.

OIP (1).jpg


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Yeah I do not fit molds, lifestyle types or wanna be any particular except not note worthy to research any deeper.

Work boots or Sneakers, jeans, basic pocket T Shirts and yes 60s dumpy gray and sour facial features. So sue me!! I do not fit any identity seeker just a Old Mechanic and Older Industrial worker. Have a Goatee as am a Old Goat'ee, and got tired of the beard look I had thirty years ago.

Normal Haircut, At one time Gal Friend talked my into a pony tail Long hair, got wound up in a creeper wheel end of that. See the poor P'sywhipped jamokes with "Man Bun" hair do's good for them, makes them appear as P'sywhipped or worse. Common terminology Saddle horn for 'Cowpoke Rides' or saddle horn so his partner can hang on, etc etc.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
With a lot of people you mention motorcycles and they automatically categorize them as the Hells Angles or another gang that are up to no good. I have an MX track and there are a lot of business owners and very successful people in all kinds of different jobs that ride but because it's motorcycles they get a bad rap. Oddly when they have a monster truck show or something and have the little kids on 50's ride around, everybody loves them. A dirt bike rides down the road and people complain but quads seem OK and nobody cares if it's a snowmobile. The guy I bought my land from caught a local kid riding in one of his fields. The kid shouldn't have been there but didn't cause any damage or try to get away. He called me up because the kid said he knew me. He didn't want to call the cops because a lot of farmers have quads and ride on the road. You can't have it both ways and farmers get a pass for riding illegally on the road.

The steward of the natural area was trying to blame me for people riding illegally in the natural area. He even suggested people are coming to the track and then going down the road to ride in the natural area. I said I should be helping the problem, not making it worse. I said nobodies going to drive out to the track in the middle of nowhere so they can ride in the natural area. It's locals that are doing it and nothing to do with me. He even suggested he could start a petition to close my track. Not likely, the land was rezoned specifically as an off road vehicle park. You can't blame me for an pre-existing problem.
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Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Most of it is terminology that is obnoxious [Man Cave-stupid, Man bun stupid, Man this Man that. Along with the identity issue goes the language issue of trying to sound in the age.
Everything is worth researching.

Didn't aim that at you dm and not going to sue, but Why is it people go to length to look tough when they
own a harley, it's not really done with any other cycle brand.
Don't shave or shower starting on Wednesday for the ride on Saturday. Pew.
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Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I worked with a guy that had a real nice Harley touring bike but he was growing a goatee and always playing with it, wearing Harley shirts and the chain on his wallet trying to look tough or something. I don't get it, must be an image thing but if you have a Sportster you're not worthy.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
I do wear leathers(Weather and Safety) generally have a Harley Labeled hat on(Have a 3X Melon Head and the ones they used to sell fit well), wear boots but again more for safety but the batheing part, I shower at LEAST daily on the road, road grime just Nasty HOWEVER, wearing same jeans for two or three days was not below my capability. Was just kidding on sueing TS!!!

Creede CO, 2012 ride out there, and NO was not riding under a Helmet, Ballcap stayed on Just Fine. RGU slick air stream and could ride I-70 at 75 mph bill forward hat never tried to lift.


And YES I am a OLD fud. Wife took photo, our friends/Co-worker other side of me.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Nothing wrong with wearing leathers when riding. The idiots in shorts and short sleeved shirts are in for a world of hurt if they go down for whatever reason. Road rash is painful. I'd take being a little warm and wrecking a jacket over road rash any day. I personally would never ride without a helmet whether it was the law or not. You never know what might happen and some people in cars have a real dislike for motorcycles.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
For the most part I don't think relationships are worth the effort. I'm usually much happier when I'm on my own.

I've lived through 2 major natural disasters. First thought each time as crap was hitting the fan was thank **** I don't gotta worry about tracking down a wife and kids.