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CB channel 9


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2020
I should have one in the dump truck for the rock pits. I can manage at my normal spot but I was really out of my water at the Washington Rock quarry. It had a couple of mile stretches of mostly single lane with curves and signs directing you to make certain announcements at this place and that rock.
I winged it and did not meet anyone at an awkward place, and I was running solo so I could skinny off out of the way more better, or so I told myself.
Fortunately it just does not pay to run all the way out there in the boonsticks for a piddling 12 ton load. If I need 2" minus I will pick up the phone and order 30 tons on a T-truck.

Steve Frazier

Staff member
Oct 30, 2003
LaGrangeville, N.Y.
Back in the day volunteers in base stations would monitor Channel 9 and relay any information you might have in an emergency. Of course the more populated the area the more likely you were to reach someone on channel 9. In my area police agencies monitored channel 9 too and you could speak with a police dispatcher if necessary. I was big into CB in the late 70s and early 80s but it kind of fizzled out. I've wondered if anyone still used it.

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
Nov 30, 2003
Grass Valley, Ca
CB is still the only radio system where you can halfway expect to just specify a channel number and everyone else will have the same channel. But the long wavelength (long antenna for effective comm), skip, low power, and AM modulation make it an antique technology.

MURS, GMRS would be great but they are not standardized enough among trucks and likely never will be with cell phones being the main comm back to the office or whatever.

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
I will never forget being pinned under my pickup and the guy that stopped and called for help on his CB it was loud enough that i heard the person he contacted it was a women that i know . She responded say she would call and send help.

Mike L

Senior Member
Dec 1, 2010
Self employed field mechanic
I will never forget being pinned under my pickup and the guy that stopped and called for help on his CB it was loud enough that i heard the person he contacted it was a women that i know . She responded say she would call and send help.
I think we’d like to know the rest of this story.

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
I think we’d like to know the rest of this story.
One Friday just before new years i was headed home from work there was a car stopped in the highway it was dark and i didnt see it because of the headlights but there was a deer in the center of the highway. I was in my CJ7 and slowed down for the car and went right passed it. We had loaded to trucks to leave monday had something wrong so me and another guy were going to work saturday to fix it. Saturday i headed to work in my 69 c20 that i had replaced most of the rusted out firewall that thanksgiving other wise it was rust free. It was just getting light out when i got with in 200 feet of were the deer was the night before and there was a deer standing on the yellow line. I thought i will just stay over on my side and go by like lastnight. I wasnt going maybe 40 mph the next thing i new i was going backwards then i was in the top of the cab watchng the steering wheel go back and forth . I was getting thrown around when it stopped i was half way out the drivers window with the windsheild piller on my legs or hip . I thought it had probably broken both my legs. The pickups was side ways in the road with the rear bumper on the yellow line. I lay there thinking maybe the house next to me heared it . I tryed to push the horn but couldnt reach it i had a book with me i rolled it up but the horn didnt work. I heared a car coming i waved the book in the air and saw the driver but he didnt stop. Then one came from the other way they drove around but didnt stop. My first thought was i would burn to death but i felt the gas cap and it stayed bone dry. I was getting tired i didnt know it but i was bleeding inside . I then heard the wine of a pickup with mud tires coming i thought this is the kind of person that will stop and he did . He ran over saw me ran back to his CB and a women responded she worked at the bank were i banked. Then another car stopped with 2 guys and a girl the 3 guys tried to lift the truck while she pulled me free but couldnt they started to set it back down and it hurt so they put the spare tire beside me to hold it up. The ambulance showed up the the fire truck with air bags. They cut my boot laces that felt like cutting wire under presser my feet were swelled up. There is a lot more to this story but i need to go to work.


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2019
Jack of all trades/Master of none
Waiting for part two now .....

Hard to believe two cars would drive past a pickup sitting on its roof in the middle of the road . . .

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
They ambulance showed up and the road was blocked the guy that first stopped said there is enough guys here lets lift it off him but the ambulance crew said no wait till the fireman get here witch i could understand. I could hear them coming it wasnt long they had the bags in place and me on a board i think they cut my pants up the legs right there i was freezing and probably in shock. They took me to the local hospital 5 miles away took x rays The Doctor i was using at the time happen to be there he stitched me up several times before . He looked at the x rays then told me in a voice that made me know it was bad he said you really did it this time. My mom and Dad had got there by now the specialist was looking at the x rays Dad ask what could they do for me he said not a thing. I didnt understand what was going on and Didnt care by then. They put me back in the ambulance and took me to K U Kansas University Hospital . My mom rode down with me . Buy then i was getting tired but every time i closed my eyes the ambulance guy told me not to go to sleep. They wheeled me in KU they wanted me off the ambulance stretcher so they could leave but i could tell they were draging there feet about it. They finely were going to get me onto another bed . I always thought i was tuff and could endure anything with my mouth shut but i found i was wrong i could be made to scream. It was bad and i thought that would be the last time they would move me was i wrong . They took more x rays . My pelvic bone was in 12 pieces my left hip socket was shatered the ball of my hip joint was broke in 2 parts. They took me to a room with another guy that had broken his hip . I didnt really understand at the time but when they lifted me to put me in the bed in the room he would cover his head with a pillow. That was some time in the afternoon . I was steal laying on my jeans and under ware they removed what was left. They gave mom my wallet. That night was a deal i really never sleep much . I told mom i felt like i was setting on some thing some how a stick had traveled with me and was under me. I was in that room for 4 days . They didnt know what to do with me . I wasnt doing good i felt bad they started running test after test my mom told them they were giving me to much pain meds i dont know why they couldnt figure this out but they would give me a dose of morphine and it would about kill me then when it wore off i would start filling better . I spent all my time praying that i would ether get better or die i didnt care what happen. I had lost a lot of blood and i thought maybe that had something to do with it they gave me 3 pints but i steal felt bad . I was getting worse the got me out of bed agin more screaming and took me for more test one was a scan of my lungs i had to hold my breath i thought for sure that would be my end but it wasnt. That night my mom really drilled it into a young Doctor that stayed after his shift ended to run some test she told him i never took any meds before and that is what is killing him. He finely cut back on the morphine and i started filling better. The next day one of my nurse came in the room she stood buy my bed and told me i didnt think you would be here today i understood what she was saying.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
Quite a story! Your definitely lucky. Had a few kids my age when I was in middle school die from single car accidents so I began wearing my seatbelt then. When I worked in the oilfield people would get pissed off when you would put one on, "what you don't trust me?"

My brother knocked himself out on a 3 wheeler (face hit handle bars) then got clothes lined in the stomach by a single wire rope fence. Doctors were going back and forth about surgery or not so my brother wasn't getting any food for like 3 days. My mom said do surgery or don't decide now. No surgery and he got better on his own. Was something like a lacerated spleen I can't remember.

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
They told me i was going to surgery . My room mate covered his head with the pillow and they lifted me out of bed and wheeled me away. That was the first time i had been asleep for several day . I came to in a private room . My mom had spent several of the hundred dollar bills i had in my wallet to get a private room i think $500.00 i was ok with that i didnt like scaring a room mate with my screams much. They had drilled a 1/4 hole through my leg above my knee for a allthread rod it stuck out both side and a yoke was hook on then a rope went to a weight and the foot of the bed to keep my hip out of the socket. I was told i would have to be in bed for 6 weeks. They had a therapist come around she gave me some dumb bells to lift . She came by once a day and was impressed that i was using the weights i know i would need my arms to get out of that bed someday. After 3 weeks a x ray was taken while i was in my room . It showed things were going back together. They brought in a machine that slowly moved my leg 24/7 . I think it was the first one they had. At the 3 week point the therapist came to see me that day and said she had the go ahead to start working my right leg. That was friday. She held her hand above my right foot and said try to kick it i couldnt move it i was devastated. How would i ever get out of that bed? She said she would work with me and i would regain use of my right leg. She gave me a length of rubber belt and told me how to exercise my leg but dont over do it. She came in monday and ask if i had been using the belt? She held her hand above my foot i was able to lift it up and kick her hand.

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
Six weeks in a bed is a long time. The days went like this they didnt want my skin growing to the rod stick out of my leg so every morning a nurse would scrub the skin off the all thread . That would be first thing in the morning if i wasnt awak that would do it then they would draw blood. Being a univestity hospital there was all kinds of people that need to learn to draw blood and i could endure it with out flinching so alot of training happen in my room. I would eat breakfast then they would clean my room then it was time for lunch . After lunch the Doctor and his students would come buy and talk to me then the therapist would stop buy and see if every thing was going ok. Then i would take a nap buy then it was dimmer time . I could order stuff to eat and it was ok one thing was the tacos they were good but very messy to eat in bed. I was and steal am a private person there wasnt much of that i didnt enjoy using a bed pan. I didnt need much pain meds but i could get some if i wanted and i did at night . the therapist kept telling me most people pass out when they set up after laying down so long i was afraid of that my blood presser was very low from laying down so long. After 6 weeks they said the pin in my leg was going to be removed . Two guys the next morning came in they had a big pair of end cutters like bolt cutters to cut up close . The shot a local in my leg and cut the rod off flush on one side. Then they had a egg beater hand drill that they put on the long side he strated turning away on the all thread it was like a truck being parked on my leg . It unscrewed and i got to keep it.That after noon the threapist came buy with a helper a big guy to help put me back in bed when i past out. I sat on the edge of the bed badly wanting to lay back flat but i didnt. I stood up and with the 2 of them ready if i passed out on crutches walked out of my room. I walked to the nurses area one of them said he is tall. I turned around made it back to my bed and sat down. The therapist told the big guy she wouldnt need his help with me. She came back that after noon and we went for another walk. the next day we went for 2 more walks. I could use the bathroom if i had some one there to help me that was great. The next day they said i could go home if i could do stairs . They took me to a room and showed me how and i did it. I got to go home . The first morning waking up i was sore all over couldnt hardly move. It took a while to get used to being upright. I think i spent 6 more weeks on crutches . I wear my seatbelt now and i try never to have any thing in the cab that could hurt me in a rollover.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
I rolled a w900 about 11 years ago, the passenger side of the cab was full of parts that were heavy steel, nothing hit me and I had my belt on and I wasn't hurt at all, it was a low speed roll over.

After that I never keep anything in the cab either.

Last year I had a pinched nerve and was on the floor for 3 months, I am still recovering from muscle loss and don't have any kind of stamina that I used to. It hurt to do anything.


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2019
Jack of all trades/Master of none
Maybe I should find somewhere else for the chainsaws and tool bags and such . . .

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
Maybe I should find somewhere else for the chainsaws and tool bags and such . . .
I went to cut wood one day there was some snow on the ground and it did some freezing rain the night before. I know i couldnt haul any wood but i went and cut some. I shouldnt have went but i did. I was headed home i pulled up to a stop sign and stopped the my CJ7 started sliding side ways . There was a deep ditch i was headed for i had my seat belt on but my saw was in the passenger side floor board. The driver side went over the bank of the shoulder i was leaning over laying on the pass seat . The pass side tires got hooked on the little bit of gravel sticking up through the ice and it stopped. I got the passenger door unlatched and tossed the saw out in the road. I then got my seat belt off and climbed out. I grabed the front bumper and was able to slide the front end down the ditch and drive out. Its a wonder more people are not hurt buy stuff they are hauling. A friend was in a wreck in his mini van a can of fruit hit his left arm bruising it bad.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2020
Doug, I loved your post because I'm glad you're still with us.
My friend David had a service van full of pipe wrenches and hand tools. He worked on gas station pumps.
The van had a bulkhead behind his seat but you could step through, and one day somebody pulled across his lane after they got let out to make a left turn. He T boned them hard.
I still remember him telling about the screwdriver that was sticking through the dash next to him, along with threaded rods and other pokey things.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
When working construction.
Driver called on company two way said he had a small fire in the dash and was on his way
to the shop. Opened the door on the W900 pulling a belly dump. A nice flat ten pound or so
flat rock made it between the bars on the headache rack through the window and caved the
dash in. Hit on the top edge of dash, almost made it through the windshield.
Check you duals.


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2017
Langley BC
I drove a service van for 30+ yrs and once had a front drivers tire blow ( cord separated)on the freeway leading to a trip down the median and a dead stop when the front dropped into a drainage pit. Everything in the back jumped off the shelves and piled up againt the front bulkhead. Glad nothing made it through. All our vans had to have solid bulkheads, no holes. Cam