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Search results

  1. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Yep, they're scary looking critters
  2. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Yep it's all good , leaving the kilts till Hogmanay
  3. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Not yet, but there's a constant smell of sulphur, and the tar bugs, they're huge
  4. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Hi folks it's just an update, I made to Alberta, and it's fantastic, been here a month and it seems to be working out so far
  5. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    I'm not making the shift for financial reasons, its a quality of life in looking for and a challenge in my trade, Canadian/British/Australian mechanics are held in a high regard around the world but in Scotland there's no progression, no encouragement, you just work 70+80hrs a week and if you're...
  6. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    You talk about tax, try Scotland 43% on the pound you earn and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
  7. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Yep, I've worked with guys in the past and they get way in to deep before they ask for help, and it's usually the guys that either have been in the trade for years or it's a fresh out of the gate journey man who has an ego problem, and I always tell them the same thing, ask, there's absolutely...
  8. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    I do a bit of my own welding out in the field but I definitely know when I'm out my depth
  9. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Hi man, what didn't you like.
  10. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Yep, you're right, it's all new to me but AIT has told me as long as I meet the hours criteria it shouldn't be a problem to challenge the red seal exam, but they can't make me an apprentice because I have verified hours so it makes me and uncertified mechanic until I pass the red seal, so I'll...
  11. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    As far as I know if I get all my hours of work in my trade verifyed (25) years and my British city and guilds qualifications, I can sit the exam after 18 months in the country, to work unrestricted I require a skills letter from my employer in Scotland and my employer in Alberta and you're...
  12. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    No, because I can prove my hours since I was an apprentice I can challenge the exam it just takes time, the deal is if you have 8000hrs +4.5 years experience you can't be an apprentice as far as I know but it's just a waiting game now
  13. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    No, I'm still I Scotland, everything is done online,so as soon as they say I have enough hours to challenge the exam, I'm in and can get my work visa sorted.
  14. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Hi bud, I'm just waiting on the Alberta training board verification for my British qualifications and my hours worked in the trade so I can challenge the red seal exam
  15. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    I think if they done one for Scotland it would probably be the same just more aggressive for no apparent reason
  16. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    Hi ED, it's a short shape "A"
  17. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    , No I just could never stand being stuck in a workshop, even as an apprentice, when I was 17 my boss came up to me with a set of keys and a sheet of paper and said, I can't look at your face any more get out there's a list of jobs and sites go do that.
  18. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    I can honestly say I've never tried Canadian whiskey, but I will give it a go
  19. V

    Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

    For medicinal purposes only