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2007 JLG SKYTRAK 10054 Boom/outriggers locked out

Brandon La Count

New Member
Jan 3, 2023
Hello everyone,

Im looking for some help,
my 2007 JLG Skytrak 10054 is experiencing a lockout on the boom and the outriggers.
I was using it and it would not extend out, it did retract back into closed position when it locked out. One outrigger is moving down but will not come back up. The other outrigger will not move.
I blew a hydraulic line just a week ago. The line was for the rear frame tilt cylinder. There is 5/6 solenoids mounted to the cylinder box. those did get sprayed with oil when the hydro line broke. I have already removed them and made sure they are clean. all the electrical looks good in those locations as well.
I retraced all my steps on replacing that line. Did not see anything that looked out of place.
Checked my fuses and relays. Fuses looked good. The relays: im not sure how you check those. how do you?
Has anyone ever experienced this situation before? It seems like its sensor or something in the electrical realm thats causing the lockout. It seems like the machine thinks the boom is extended out in my opinion.
How do I diagnose this?