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  1. B

    2007 JLG SKYTRAK 10054 Boom/outriggers locked out

    Hello everyone, Im looking for some help, my 2007 JLG Skytrak 10054 is experiencing a lockout on the boom and the outriggers. I was using it and it would not extend out, it did retract back into closed position when it locked out. One outrigger is moving down but will not come back up. The...
  2. M

    Mitsubishi MM30SR

    Hi Having recently purchased the digger, the boom wasnr working and having all the threads on the forum , I've cleaned the joysticks out and managed to get power to the boom and all movement but there doesn't seem to be no hydrolic power even with engine on full revs Wonder If anyone has has...
  3. H

    Boom Cylinder Extends But Will Not Retract

    Cat 304CR (NAD00987) I've got a boom cylinder that will extend but will not retract. In other words, boom goes up but won't come down. When I try to boom down, I hear noise from the relief valve, but the cylinder only moves about 1/4". I don't have a way to test flow, but I have adequate...
  4. Acetylene420

    CAT 315C Crowd Arm Stuck Extended.

    2003 ish Cat 315C crowd boom (outer arm with bucket) stuck in fully extended position. When joystick is pushed forward I can hear the fluid being sent. It whines for a few seconds as though you’re holding the joystick after fully extending a cylinder. However, the cylinder won’t move when...
  5. B

    580E boom bleeding down

    I just bought a 580 super E. I noticed the boom will not hold position when you let go of boom lever. Example sitting your self over a ditch. With front bucket on ground and out riggers up boom will bleed off and it sounds like fluid running through the front end loader valve body. What are the...
  6. mpaulson22

    Volvo EC160b

    Just picked up a drunken auction purchase a 160b and noticed when you go to boom up, there is about a one second delay before it reacts. Curious if anyone has had this problem or where to start looking for the issue. Hydraulics seem strong just have a lag
  7. S

    JLG 40HT no reverse, other issues and repairs

    Hi all, This is kind of long, but I tried to include a lot of detail I'm hoping there's a JLG wizard out there who can give me some pointers. Basically I need help figuring out how to get reverse working again, or how I can put this thing in "tow mode" so I can roll it back some and steer it...
  8. E

    Mini Excavator as Logging Shovel ADD HYDRAULIC CYLINDER

    Hello, Has anyone ever added a cylinder to their compact excavator to give it better lifting capacity? I own a tree service in Oregon and am looking at buying a piece of equipment for moving and loading logs with. Shovel loaders used in forestry have a knuckle style boom where the stick...
  9. T

    JLG E-400A no boom controls

    Hello everyone! Looking to get some advice for troubleshooting an e-400a boom lift. When the key is set to ground control everything works perfectly fine. When you turn to the boom controls, nothing works on the boom. There is voltage in the boom control box. I’ve tested the cable for continuity...
  10. S

    JLG 40HA won't high idle.

    Hello, I have an older 1996 JLG 40HA lift that will not high idle. The lift has a ford vsg 411 engine, I recently replaced that engine due to it going bad, with an older style ford vsg 411 with points. I have it installed and the lift functions for the most part except it will not high idle, it...
  11. A

    Boom hydraulics replacement - twin line or two singles?

    Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster. Anyway, I'm getting ready to re-run the boom hydraulic lines on my 1989 Grove AMZ-66 Manlift, as the originals have finally seen too much sun (polymer braid is showing at the elbows) and could soon fail. My question is this: Why should I pay extra...
  12. M

    Altec at37g boom quit working

    Hi, I'm new to the forum and would appreciate any help I can get. I'm working on an altec at37g bucket truck. I replaced the transmission and started it up, engaged the pto and was able to raise the bucket and extend it out. Then the pressure hose from the rotary joint broke. I replaced the...
  13. D

    Replacing boom hydraulics in 934d-9 gradall?

    Hello Everyone, I own a 1999 Gradall 934D-9. The hydraulic lines are leaking inside the boom. Could someone give me some advice on how to access them? Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you very much, Dexter
  14. G

    Sumitomo LS118RH Crawler Crane's boom limit switch

    This crane's boom raising limit switch had been removed a few years ago and they have been operating it without the switch. Now they've asked me to install a new switch. I found a four core cable that was taped at the end. There were 3 negative wires and 1 positive wire. I tried to figure out...
  15. G

    2012 John Deere 318 D Locked Out Boom/Bucket Functions

    Checked all sensors and switches and everything is functional. Drive and Reverse Functions No Issues. Pressure Test Hydraulic Pump for boom, bucket, and auxiliary which is separate from drive pump and has sufficient pressure (3000 psi +/-). Bucket will curl out but minimal. Boom totally locked...
  16. B

    Ford E-350 with ETI Boom Lift repair

    Hey everyone. I'm just starting out in the world of hydraulics but I'm no stranger to tearing apart many things mechanical. I'm not sure if this is the correct location for this topic either, but I'm going to give it a shot. I have a Ford E-350 cargo van with an ETI boom lift on it. I grasp the...