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New Member
May 27, 2020
Cape Cod, MA
A big shout out to member Setteduke, my younger brother for bringing me back to HEF.
Starting about 10 years ago I was a frequent and very active member under the name EarthRockHill which pretty much showcased the work of Testa Corp. I photographed the Big Dig in Boston for almost 7 years and did a book on it. I shot a lot of construction projects for JFWhite, Saugus Construction and MassDOT as well. My frequent posts of photos and videos caught the eye of a lot of different companies which led to a lot of great projects including the Demolition of Giants Stadium for Gramercy and two Chrysler Plants in St.Louis for MCM. I went on to work full time for MCM for 4 years and returned to New England in 2016. I worked full time for JDC Demolition for a little over a year, putting together a website for them, with my signature videos and photos, and did the same for Atlantic Coast Dismantling. These days I’m shooting for S&R Corp and JDC Demolition. I’m a Licensed and Insured UAV Pilot as well. Here’s my latest video for JDC that happened right before the COVID-19 shutdown.


Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!