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British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2009
Project manager
Wow! Thank-you Hayesno1. She's a real "Show Truck" now! That's nice they went back to the old BCFP colour scheme (except for the white cab). Pardon my ignorance but is that tank for water or fuel?

For Water; she is a firetruck - #F141


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
The warm land on Vancuver Island
Retired Logger Retired Part time pebble hauler
Following are three books I feel are worthy of this site that were written by BCFP employ'es . The first one is First Growth the story of BCFP it was issued to the employ'es of BCFP in the mid 1970's I don't beleive they were sold to the puplic , I have my fathers copy. the second book is Still Counting The Rings by W.G.Burch is for sale at book stores.The third book Ken Hallberg An Autobiography may be availabile through famly members I beleive Ken Hallberg Jr. lives in NanaimoIMG_2162.jpg


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
Taylor57 If you want to see old 207 208 209 back together for the first time all running around together Go to Hankstruckpictures website When you get to his home page click on "WEB PAGES UPDATED IN LAST 7 DAYS" scroll down to the" three sisters reunion" After looking at them then go down and check out Jim Falconers McLeans Mill 2013 pictures just below on the same page. We changed out the original Cummins NHRBS supercharged engine (spun main bearing) in 209 and installed another Cummins You can see in the pictures old 209 took her place at the head of the line once again LOL


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
The warm land on Vancuver Island
Retired Logger Retired Part time pebble hauler
HDX I was wondering about a couple Renfrew Trucks the 6-231 was a Caycuse truck but ended up it Renfrew in 1980 or 81 . When Ken Long went o/o and bought a highway truck in 1985 the 6-231 was sent to Narrows Inlet . In 1986 when BCFP brought 5 highway trucks to the Div.(6-280 6-281 6-282 6-283 6-284 ) the 6-237 6-238 6-239 left the Div. the 6-239 went to Elk River . I don't know where the other 2 went anybody know if these 4 trucks still exist


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
camptramp Somewhere I got pics of both 6-237 and 6-238, I know for a fact that 6-238 came through Franklin River on her way to R/B Auction,I took pictures of her in Camp "B" because she looked so out of place among the M&B trucks. She was bought by Kip Brown over in Powell River and that is where she was last seen by me. She looked like she was being used as parts for another truck I also took pictures of 6-249(40-126) Caycuse truck and 6-253 (40-137) Renfrew truck-- both classic BCFP Preload HDXs on their way to Port Machine Works in Port Alberni to have their rear 5th wheel assy's changed over before being sent to the QCIslands Sandspit maybe !!!! Trakloader posted some pics of them not long ago Sure sad to see them like that after what they once were I will scope out my pics and find old 6-237


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
Hope, British Columbia
Thanks HDX for the heads up on the "three sisters reunion". That's awesome that so much time and work is going into them. I got permission from Hank to post this pic of old 213 next to a pre-loader as a nice example of what 213 looked like when my Dad drove it at Caycuse in the '60's.



Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
Taylor57 That is a nice picture! I know both those trucks very well actually. Hank is a really great guy and his site is dedicated to the preservation of trucking pictures from all over the world. He has over 400,000 truck pictures on there. One day we will have to remove the fire tank on the back of old 213 and sit a preload trailer on her just for pictures. We know that "FERIC" the forest industry experimental group had one of these trucks at one time back in the 80's. She was painted orange and had two of the biggest dump box's (roll on roll off) I have seen and was used to see what material could be reclaimed in a landing that was otherwise just burned. They would load them up with stumps etc and haul them down to the sarita dryland sort and dump them out on the deck and sort through the stuff. All this work to see if it was worthwhile salvaging this stuff !!!! Oh after they examined the stuff they burned it LOL However the truck remains missing and we hope she is still intact somewhere in some ones yard perhaps The two box's were sold to M&B and one was installed on an old HDX/P16 as a dryland sort truck, Later she was sold to Lamare Lake Logging and went to PtMcNeil the other box was sold to JW Berry in town here but never installed I think the turned it upside down and use it as a carport More on this subject later


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
camptramp Still trying to track down unit # of old line horse 40-117 She is not 6-221 because her new tanker # is 36-84 and she is down in Sarita Talked to Calvin Oliver and he thinks she was 6-220 Sounds about right What do you think. Been trying to get Lance but he is away.


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
The warm land on Vancuver Island
Retired Logger Retired Part time pebble hauler
HDX your right the 6-221 became a water truck at Renfrew Div. in 1981 I was hauling logs with it one day . When I went into work the next morning the trailer and bunk were gone and a water tank was on it , I moved over to the 6-222 also later changed over to a water tank . The last time I seen them they were owned by IPL at Masachie Lake I've seen pictuers of them at Sarita on this forum. The 6-222 was a preloader and has the longer tank on it . The 6-221 came from Caycuse I don't know how old the engine was then , it seemed to run O K but it really didn't have any power Andy and I would leave Renfrew together in the morning he would have the 6-222 I would have the 6-221 loaded for Caycuse he would be breaking over the summit on the Caycuse hook up road starting down the hill to Caycuse . I would be breaking over the Harris Cr. summit starting down TR. 7, he would be three quarters of an hour ahead of me. Its probably the same engine in it. I'm not sure about which # the line horse was ,but I don't think it had been a line horse long when HBO was created and I think the 6-220 and the 6-221 were similer trucks it must have been a pretty good truck as the 6-224 was Renfrews line horse and I know it was a good truck when it was sent to Nanaimo Lakes as the surplace line horse .
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Senior Member
Jan 11, 2011
Sunshine Coast B C
Busy landing in 1976 Skagit tower the number looks like S53 had to tell . The loader looks like a Northwest , number on the side looks like #14 or L4 again hard to make out the numbers. The logging truck backing in has a self loading trailer .The pictures were taken in 1976 so this may be Caycuse area , Camptramp may have so more info


  • skagit tower northwest loader 1976.jpg
    skagit tower northwest loader 1976.jpg
    344.4 KB · Views: 930
  • Skagit tower Northwest loaer 1976 (1).jpg
    Skagit tower Northwest loaer 1976 (1).jpg
    260.2 KB · Views: 915


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
The warm land on Vancuver Island
Retired Logger Retired Part time pebble hauler
Busy landing in 1976 Skagit tower the number looks like S53 had to tell . The loader looks like a Northwest , number on the side looks like #14 or L4 again hard to make out the numbers. The logging truck backing in has a self loading trailer .The pictures were taken in 1976 so this may be Caycuse area , Camptramp may have so more info

Born2clearcut The picture was taken at Renfrew Div. I don't know which truck it is . But the loader is the #74 an 80D Northwest I know the loader well its a one of a kind I ran from Fall 1972 to spring 1975 . The yarder is the #663 a 120 ft. slackline Skajit telescoping tower with a Tyee winch. I spent many a day landingman with that tower Sid "Skidder" Smith was running it . One time we were up on top of Garbage Cr. yarding out of a glory hole Reg Beal was pulling rigging Stan Woods and Chuck Marrow were setting chockers. These guys were good loggers but they got most of the tough settings . One day they decided they had , enough so they had their own wild cat strike . They came up the hill mid afternoon , the woods foreman came up to the side but no solution was found . The next morning the manager the assisten manager the woods foreman had a meeting with the boys down the road . after an hour or so I guess they sorted things out . when they came up to the yarder to go back to work we couldn't find Sid . We blew acouple long whistles afew minutes later Sid came over the hill with a hard hat full of Blue Berries hollering keep the strike going boys I just found a good patch of Blue Berries!


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
Hope, British Columbia
BCFP Caycuse Division Log Truck 6-230

BCFP Caycuse Division Log Truck 6-230 sn 9033647. I was given permission to post these photos by Doris Mutch of her Dad Ken McKechnie's truck 6-230. First 2 pics are from circa 1969 when it was nearly new. Photos 3 & 4 is a little later with the engine covers removed. Photo 5 is of 3 Caycuse truck drivers in 1969: George Taylor (my father & driver of trucks 213, 209 & 219), John Sawatsky, & Ken McKechnie (driver of trucks 211 & 6-230).

6-230 (Ken McKechnie) 1.jpg6-230 (Ken McKechnie) 2.jpg6-230 (Ken McKechnie) 3.jpgDoris's Photo - Logging Trucks of the Past.jpg1969_George Taylor, John Sawatsky & Ken McKechnie.jpg


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
The warm land on Vancuver Island
Retired Logger Retired Part time pebble hauler
Tony Weber's last truck the 6-260 was the last truck that I know of painted BCFP colours after Fletcher Challenger took over , picture was taken on Lower Gordon River bridge just before he retired.Scan7.jpg