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Case 1840 Skid Steer not starting

Chris Veverka

New Member
Mar 25, 2022
Schroon Lake
Good afternoon to all,
I have an Case 1840 Skid Steer ID# JAF0221866* that has been giving me issues starting then staying running. The first time it happened the engine revved high, low, high, low, died and would not restart. Before this happened it had been running without any issues or indicators that something was wrong. Thought maybe I ran out of fuel so put in 5 gallons but the machine would not go. Assumed air in the lines so went from fitting to fitting all the way to the injectors, cracking each and letting diesel weep out, using the lift pump prime to push fuel. Changed oil+filter , fuel filter, and air filter. It's warming up here now, but this was all during the winter so I had been treating the fuel with K100. Took a shot in the dark and replaced the lift pump, and first try, without cracking any lines, it started and ran strong for roughly an 1 1/2 hrs, under load and idling. Then sure enough, same issue as described above, high, low, high, low, dead. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2021
Diesel Mechanic
No Case or cold climate experience here, but definitely sounds like a fuel blockage of some kind.
I assume when it revved high that you had the governor in the high idle position right? If not you have bigger issues. If it was set in high...
Is the fuel tank breather in the cap? Is it blocked? Tried running it without the fuel cap?
Can you try routing the fuel supply line with a clean bucket of clean diesel to rule out a blocked tank pickup?
Are there any elbows in fuel lines and check valves fittings where weird things (crud, rust flakes, ear plug packets, etc) can get sucked up and cause blockage?


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2009
London Ontario Canada
Licensed Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic
Bad fuel shut off solenoid? Some of the solenoids just had a spade connector which would loosen over time. Best bet take the screw in the end out that holds the adapter to spade. Cut the spade off the wire to solenoid. Crimp or solder a loop on the wire and hold in place with the screw. If that doesn't work, remove solenoid, careful the plunger will fall out. Take the plunger and spring out and reinstall. The unit should run, to shut off pull the small lever on top of the injection pump. Quite often the coil goes bad and once it heats up it will shut the fuel off, when it cools down a bit it will restart.