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Fuel Price By Location


Active Member
Jan 1, 2008
You have a power hungry dictatorship in the office ,that controls the oil companies. They have everybody in the palm of their hands.When bush got into office ,even when the economy was bad the first time , you were rewarded by the government (tax incentives) for buying a gas guzzling SUV, and penalized for having a hybrid,"said you were avoiding wheel and gas taxes. Then you had all these new commercials "BUY A HEMI" ,woohoo hurray for 7-8 miles to the gallon. Not only that ,but the warmachine in Iraq and lets not forget about Afghanistan( war still going on over there) ,you have p.o.s. hummers and battleships and aircraft ,that are also using our fuel. Talk to our friends in Norway , you have to pay a higher tax to have gas guzzler, and fuel prices are higher . What is funny is even with gas close to $ 4.00 a gallon people are still driving around and wasting fuel. Don't get me wrong ,but if I didn't need my trucks for hauling equipment , I would have a turbo diesel 4 cylinder getting 40 mpg.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2008
Chestertown,NY/ Lower Adirondacks
Electrical Contractor
$4.199 here in upstate NY on Wed., i havent filled up since so i am sure it went up. The whole economy is driven off fuel in one way or another. It doesnt help the investors in the stock exchange keep driving the price of crude up either. These idiots think they are making a buck but in reality they are driving the price up on all goods. It is a viscious cycle that they are creating by the continous investing in such a sensitive market. What is going to happen when the huricanes start hitting our coasts again? How far is our government going to let this go before we go from a recession to a depression? They can say we are not in a recession but look around, very few people have any money that they are willing to spend. The interest rates have gone down but who is going to spend money they no longer have. Enough ranting, sorry for the long reply.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
I've seen 4.00 - 4.20 for on road diesel fuel. Gas is around 3.30 here in Northern Indiana


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
.......and lets not forget who's important here. Iraq and Afganistan recieved another 169 billion and us low life Americans get a 150 billion for "economic" stimulas. My question is, When do we shut this thing down? Like a rolling blockade like the truckers did in the 70's when fuel was out of control. This board we all chime into everyday is a very powerful tool. When are we going to use this comunication to "Enlighten" our elected officials that we are done with this cr ap! I think 20yds of concrete rubble or fill dumped on the major on ramps in major citys in a cordinated effort across the country would get some attention (good and yes the bad). I just had my accountant tell me I have to start seperating my and my employees cell phone time from business to personell so the personel time can be added to your W-2 as income. We get to spend a dollar to send them a dime. Better idea, lets lock up that clown we have for a president and vice president spend more money at home, not in some hell forgotten place that hasnt gotten along with itself for thousands of years so our government doesnt feel like they have to pillage the working people to keep the lights on. Diesel, the life blood of our industrys, once burnt off during the refinging process as there was no use for it. Better idea, lets burn off our top level of government cause I have no use for them!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
The president doesn't have anything to do with the fuel prices. We are in Afganistan and Iraq for national security. Personally I'm tire of our government spending money period. I'm tired of the government handouts and so many people of our great county pleading for money, either in the form of welfare, social security, government health care, etc. Our great country, the United State of America was founded with a constitution that set up our government. I can find anywhere in that all important document where it says our government needs to help us and take care of us. IMHO our national government is for two purposes, nation infrastructure, roads, bridges, fire deptartments etc and national defence. Other than that our government can let me keep the money I earn and stay the hell out of my life. I don't need handouts, I don't need welfare, I don't need all of their "red tape". What I do need is freedom. We need to get a declaration of independance from our own government. I appologize for my rant but I'm tired of feeling like I live in a socialist country.


Active Member
Jan 1, 2008
The president is directly effecting gas prices,don't kid yourself. If you think that war was started to protect your freedoms think again. Why do you think we are in Iraq ,Afghanistan ,Iran soon to be Venezuela. It is OIL, we are a glutton and need to change our ways.If you don't think bush and cheney are profiting from all this :Banghead


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
The president is directly effecting gas prices,don't kid yourself. If you think that war was started to protect your freedoms think again. Why do you think we are in Iraq ,Afghanistan ,Iran soon to be Venezuela. It is OIL, we are a glutton and need to change our ways.If you don't think bush and cheney are profiting from all this :Banghead

What left wing propagand do you listen to? If it was about oil Bush would have us drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. There are geologist saying there is as much or more oil in the Gulf of Mexico then what is in the Middle East. But we have folks such as yourself that think Bush is the bad guy. your wrong. Our freedom is at stake. Because we are killing terrorist over there they are too busy to attack us here. We are not in Iran or Venezuela. Iran has or will have nuclear capability. All of our discussions doesn't matter a bit if the nukes get in the wrong hads. Hell fuel prices won't matter either I guess. The government needs to get their hands out of the economy. Simple supply and demand will take care of the economy.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2008
north central pa
I was awarded a bid last fall and have not got the notice to proceed yet. when the job was out for bid the engineering firm was adamant that the job was going to start the week after the bid closing. I spoke to the engineer last week and he said when you get your notice to proceed you have the right to ask for more money do to fuel prices. I said,"I believe we are going to exercise that right". I thought about how much a few cents in fuel prices actually matters, IE: per day-500 gal x $3.25=$1625.00,,,, per month-$1625 x 20days=$32,500, jack that up a bit, per day-500 gal x $4.00= $2000,,,,per month-$2000 x 20days=$40000. a difference of $7500 per month and $90,0000 per year on only a $.75 increase. Food for thought.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
Stony Plain
O/O '98 378 Pete tandem dump ~~ '03 S185
Your exactly right. Our trucking has taken a big turn, fuel used to take up 25 -30% of our profit now it's pushing 40%. No ones is enjoying our rate increases either. I've had 4 sceduled jobs cancel already!
And we are "not in a recession" Bullsh*t, hang on to your hat's lads it's going to get a little rough.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2006
Northeast PA

On-road $4.09-$4.25
Off-road $3.39-$3.89 and at one gas station, they are selling off-road at $4.15


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
What left wing propagand do you listen to? If it was about oil Bush would have us drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. There are geologist saying there is as much or more oil in the Gulf of Mexico then what is in the Middle East. But we have folks such as yourself that think Bush is the bad guy. your wrong. Our freedom is at stake. Because we are killing terrorist over there they are too busy to attack us here. We are not in Iran or Venezuela. Iran has or will have nuclear capability. All of our discussions doesn't matter a bit if the nukes get in the wrong hads. Hell fuel prices won't matter either I guess. The government needs to get their hands out of the economy. Simple supply and demand will take care of the economy.

WOW! If the terrorist (Bush/Cheney) had spent half the money they have in Iraq on infrastructure in the US, This board would be a ghost town because we would all be to busy doing what we should be doing. Call’em “Pork barrel” or “Ear marks” if you want, But I prefer to see my trucks rolling at 55 down the highway than sitting in traffic with everyone else on our roads. Saddam was a piece of poop and killed many but I think history will show he was an angel compared to who ever takes power in Iraq after we leave. Iran was a non issue when Saddam was in power. Our very actions over there support terrorism. We went to Afghanistan and got rid of there training camps and replaced them with real “on the job experience” in Iraq. I can’t think of a better battle simulator than Iraq has provided. No more bayoneting dummies, they get to kill real Americans now. It was the week before last Bush was asked by a reporter what he thought of projected $4.00 a gallon fuel and he responded as if current prices were at a buck a gallon and the reporter was on crack for asking such a question. ph u q Bush And **** Cheney


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
how can you possible call Bush and Cheney a terrorist. If Al Gore was in office instead of Bush the real terrorists would have a field day. Please explain to me how our president has anything to do with prices? I don't care if it Bush, Clinton, Reagon whoever. None of the presidents have anything to do with spending money. Ok I'll correct that a bit. They can write executive orders. Ultimately congress spends our money. The Iraq war is about securing our freedom. I don't know about the state you live but here in Indiana there is a percentage taken from every gallon of fuel/gas is tax. So the higher the price is, the more the government gets. Why would any of the politicians want to lower the price. Supply and demand is what should set the price of oil, not futures or politicians.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
Not a big Al Gore fan, but he was the VP for a while and the twin towers did not fall when he was in office. I think the terrorists had a "real field day" when they hit the towers on 9/11, and Bush was in charge when that happened. I don't care what you do, there is always going to be terrorists. But I guess they only live in Iraq, and we have them all under control? There is no way that they could come from other places is there? And the president has something to do with they way the money is spent. Yes, congress has a major part, but the president goes to them and recommends spending the money. And it is time to spend OUR money in the US so that we can get the work and enjoy the finished product. I could care less about rebuilding Iraq!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
Deeredriver So from your statement you probably believe that Bush is at fault for 911 right. Clinton had a clear shot at Bin Laden and didn't take it. I do agree with you though that terrorism will never quit. Terrorism has been going on for centuries, it just wasn't till 911 did the US get involved. Iraq is important for us to be there for our security. As for our money, we need to keep it as citizens. Get it out of the governments hands. That will solve most of these types of arguments. If the government doesn't have our money they can't spend it. Well good in theroy anyways look at the national debt. Not sure of all the answers just a lot of frustrations.


Active Member
Jan 1, 2008
Hey pipeguy, they had a great show about oil on the History channel. Obviously you missed it. We are gluttons for fuel. Plain and simple. How do you think daddy bush and little bush got rich. They invested in gas investment companies that loan money to Exxon, Mobil etc.I think the name is Capital investment group or something to that tune.This is the same people that backed them to get them in office, lead moneygivers to both bush campaigns. They both still have a vested interest in this company.The other is a company **** Cheney is a big part of haliburton.They are saying war could last another 5 years lets see where oil prices are then.