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Junkyard's work thread.....maybe haha

still learn'n

Senior Member
Feb 6, 2012
Do you work out of your own personal shop or company shop when you work on company gear?

Care to share what your YouTube username is? Tried to find your video to send to a friend and didn't come up.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Do you work out of your own personal shop or company shop when you work on company gear?

Care to share what your YouTube username is? Tried to find your video to send to a friend and didn't come up.

The vast majority of work is company work in company shop or on site. They do rent some space at my yard to store stuff so on ocassion it's more convenient to take care of it at my place, especially end of the week or whatever. I don't get interrupted as much!

My channel is still private. The only place I've put links up is on this forum. Most are in my word thread. One of them is on its own thread. Which video you looking for?

still learn'n

Senior Member
Feb 6, 2012
The last one you did on the tire tools and shop but I mainly wanted to show him the tire tool so I can find it and just send a link. Thanks


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
That's a different looking fan blade on the Deere. Isolation mounted blades ?
Honestly I have no earthly idea. I've never really pondered the deal with that setup. I have to do some more work to it tomorrow while stuff is easy to get at, I'll see what I can deduce.
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Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
I discovered an interesting cause and affect thing today. Prior to tearing the rig apart to get the radiator out I fired it up and gave it a once over to make sure of what all it might need once it was down and inop. I noticed the belt tensioner bouncing like a pogo stick. Bearing was a tad noisy too. Today I pulled it off and being of curious nature I tore into it. Wouldn't ya know it the back side of the pulley was packed full of dirt therefore it was well out of balance. While I was chasing parts I decided to see if I could get just the bearing. Turns out I could. So it's all back together for less than $10 and good as new.



Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
So Monday moving a rig I had my first bearing failure on a trailer hub. Now that makes me sound like a rookie but I guess I've been lucky. Going on 20 years driving haul trucks and about 15 of those years has been 8 axles or more. 1.5 million miles give or take. It happened fast! Looked back in the mirror as I always do quite often. Saw what I thought was a telltale sign of smoke. It's hard to see around those IMT's. Went maybe a 1/4 mile and looked again. Holy $hit batman this mofo is on FIRE!!

I was in roadwork about a 1/2 mile from my next exit to avoid the bridge we had worked on a month or so ago. Peel off and get down to a wide spot. Jump out and run back. It's a four alarm raging inferno. Flames are coming up between the wheel covers and the top flange of the wheel area. I grab my extinguisher.....it's frozen. Grab one out of the rig and get it put out before any tires explode. By the grace of god it was on the lift axle. I crawl under and back the brakes off so they don't sit there on that smokin hot drum and flash again once there's some air movement back there.

I was off yesterday because it was so damn cold and the roads up in Joplin were crap. They're still crap lol. Pete gelled up on me this am about 15 miles from the shop. A fresh filter cured it. Got trailer in the shop and tore into it. Man oh man did I get lucky. A little careful torch work and I got what was left of the inner bearing off the spindle. Dressed it up and it doesn't seem any worse for wear.

Oh and I replaced my broken 1" impact finally!

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Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Need some positive vibes HEF members. Spent all night at hospital with the wife. Severe pancreatitis which in and of itself isn't terrible, just painful. However, they found a lesion on the head of her pancreas that concerned them so we will go have a biopsy next week. I'm not a terribly religious person but all the positive thoughts we can get won't hurt! Thanks all.