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Junkyard's work thread.....maybe haha


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Cat field service is a week out so we pulled the track and sent it in to their shop. That's quite a job! Here's another shot of the pin.



Senior Member
Jan 1, 2009
Is that supposed to be rotating bushing? The bushing has a gouge in it, looks like it popped first and then due to lack of support the pin sheared?


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Couldn't tell you what is supposed to move and what isn't. Some of the undercarriage stuff is new to me. Nige, tctractors or somebody like that could tell us I'm sure.



Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Went by cat today, the one pin was almost gone. Ordered four links, some pins and seals. No oil in that one and the one in front of it was dry too. All the others are ok. $2,600 and should have it back tomorrow. Not too bad all in all. Who wants to help assemble it? All the heat and humidity you want and maybe even a few beers! Haha



Senior Member
Mar 11, 2012
Central New York, USA
Retired Mechanic in Stone Quarry
Went by cat today, the one pin was almost gone. Ordered four links, some pins and seals. No oil in that one and the one in front of it was dry too. All the others are ok. $2,600 and should have it back tomorrow. Not too bad all in all. Who wants to help assemble it? All the heat and humidity you want and maybe even a few beers! Haha


Be glad to help, just send me a couple first class air tickets on the next Delta flight out!


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Delta? They're on day two of a cluster! Haha. Idk how I'd explain that charge to the bean counter. Consultant? Lol. In centra NY how far are you from Watkins Glen? I raced there year before last, going there again this year. We do the old course through town as a parade. Awesome experience!



Senior Member
Mar 11, 2012
Central New York, USA
Retired Mechanic in Stone Quarry
Delta? They're on day two of a cluster! Haha. Idk how I'd explain that charge to the bean counter. Consultant? Lol. In centra NY how far are you from Watkins Glen? I raced there year before last, going there again this year. We do the old course through town as a parade. Awesome experience!


The Glen? maybe hour and a half ride from here. Not a bad ride down on the bikes. Do try to avoid it during race weekends as the normal traffic in the summer is bad enough.

Back when I was a kid I got there twice when they were still doing the Formula 1 racing there. One time was for practice day and the next time was the actual race.
A couple things always come to mind about those times.One was watching the Ferrari team trying to start up one of their cars. They were having no luck. Next thing I saw was them giving it a shot of starting fluid and it flared up and they had to put it out with shop rags! They finally went all high tech. Tied a rope to the front A-arm and the other end to a Ford Galaxie and took off down the road to the track. Reminded me of something my brother and I would have done with our old Chevy lot car!

The other time I was there I believe it was the first year Honda had run a car in F1. As I recall they were plane white cars. Well seems someone forgot to tighten some fasteners that held the front body parts on because shortly after the start of the race it flew off but they kept running for the full race. Don't thing the cars back then had anywhere the aerodynamic designs of today so it probably was not that big a deal.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Yes sir, The Glen. I love the area up there. We spent the Sunday after the races going to a brewery, a distillery and a vineyard. He!! if I can remember what happened after that! Haha. It's a great track, fast but not a lot of run off area. When you come through turn 1 and work your way through the esses towards the bus stop it takes a big pair to hang your foot off in it because that Armco barrier gets might close in a couple spots. I ran good there and finally had my car right and ended up braking a rocker arm. One off Nascar Jesel shaft mount so I was done. Ended up driving another car for a friend and I made the podium in our class. Which may very well have been because there were three or less cars in it! Upstate NY I enjoy. That little piece surrounded by water and bridges you can have. Been there a couple times working and it's a nightmare.

F1 and aero is an interesting evolution that killed some drivers before they figured it out. At one time CanAm cars were faster than F1. I liked their rules, two seats and a body that covered the tires. That's it. We had one for awhile. 1,600 pounds and 650 HP which equaled stupid fast and scary as he!! I'll stick with my old NASCAR stuff. Heavy but relatively safe.



Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Figured I'd update things. Got the track back from Cat. Stuck it on Thursday. All is well. Operator ran out of fuel yesterday, right before it rained. Got it going in the muck and crud but not before it shorted a battery terminal out so bad it almost melted the post off. Our battery terminals will darn near touch the cover. Is that normal? We use 4D batteries. Got a call today that the blade won't hardly lift. I suspect cylinders. I can hear one bypassing. Guess I'll pull them tomorrow. Owner told me to put my big girl panties on we have tons of work coming up and he's going to add two more 10 wheel dump trucks, another finish dozer, an 8 ton excavator, skid steer and another compactor. I said budget a swamper for me so I can attempt to keep up! Sheesh!

Here's the offending track pin from the other day.




Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
Operator ran out of fuel yesterday, right before it rained. Got it going in the muck and crud but not before it shorted a battery terminal out so bad it almost melted the post off.

Wow, you're kidding right?:confused: Was the fuel gauge working? Even if it wasn't, that's still no excuse to run a machine out of fuel.:cool:

My superintendent is anal about keeping machines full for all the various reasons. He told me a story once of when he was a teenager running a skidder for his father. He ran the old Timberjack out of fuel a few hollers over from the landing deck. His dad made him tote 5 gallon jugs not just to get the skidder running again but to fill up the entire tank. Hard childhood lessons are priceless.;)

hvy 1ton

Senior Member
Jul 24, 2006
Lawrence, KS
The combines are so close to what we can scale that we would run them almost out of fuel and DEF if we had to cross more than one scale. Fully fueled/def'd combine weighs almost 2k more than mostly empty. It would have been easier to work out if we had a pump with a meter on it. I'd keep a couple jugs of def around in case i was off.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Gauge doesn't work in it. We always fill up each shift. Fuel tank was empty but truck was on the way. I'd guess it was 2/3 to 3/4 when he started. We always stop and the fuel truck tops the equipment off and then fills the tank. For whatever reason he didn't do that. The ole girl is thirsty, I'll take a tank more or less to run a shift. I should have reminded/made him. I was running the D7 and stopped because I knew I was low starting the day. We burn 2000-2500 gallons a week on this job depending on which machines are there and working. I couldn't tell you the last time I ran a machine out. Oh well, it all pays me the same right? Lol



Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Nowing75, I've seen their sets and REALLY like them. Boss may buy a set whether he wants to or not! Being a non winged guy, ever been to the Chilli Bowl? It's a blast if you haven't.

Today was fairly normal. Loaded D11 lift cylinders and took to Cat for rebuild. Came back and dug into my electrical issue on the D11. Key switch good, one start relay good, one bad. Replaced master. I'll pull starters tomorrow as one is dead shorted out. Went and took shells off compactor to finish preparing for gravel and asphalt at the bridge. Fixed a flat on the grader. D5 will need undercarriage soon. D7 needs a roller. Compactor has a helluva an electrical gremlin. Stops on its own and locks the brake on. Machine cools off and it'll go again for a bit. Sometimes the rear drives, sometimes it doesn't. Gotta love it!




Senior Member
Feb 2, 2009
On your Tractor with the broken tooth, any way to look into it without taking it completely apart and use a camera or bore scope and see what things look like?? Not familiar with that tractor but there has to be a place to get a scope into it and just fish around to see if you can tell where those came from, if nothing else, you need a good bore scope anyhow, might be worth a lot if its not bad enough to do a tear down.

Just a guess but a clutch pack if you have clutch linings in the filter, the tooth probably came out of the housing in the clutch pack along with the linings, probably the clutch packs you use when loading the pans is where I'd look first if you can see inside at all. A pack would be a really cheap fix if you can narrow it down. I'm not sure about where those clutches are at?? do you need to do a complete tear down to do them or check them?? Just guessing probably way off, but you asked for thoughts and idea's.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
Randy88. It's funny you say that about the camera as I was just trying to talk the boss into one yesterday for that very reason. I think you're onto something with the clutch material and the tooth. I hadn't really put those two together. We have one operator that's like a bull in a china shop when he's in that tractor. Smooth as silk in a track hoe. There are a couple good size places I can snake a camera in to have a look around. We haven't used it since I discovered that, haven't needed it but we're about to do some slopes which we will be loading the pans with a hoe to it should be easy duty and I can let them run a few days before I cut another filter open. Thanks for the input!!
