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Just some work pics

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
The sad new shop truck. This is the mid 2000's one with a 5.4 that we gave up and put a reman engine in, and the reman has also died. It slipped over 10 deg in timing, backfired enough to destroy the plastic intake manifold, and has 2 cylinders with bad compression now. Waiting on info about warranty from the reman place.

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crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
This is a precast concrete vault for pool equipment. They are building 30 or so cabins down a one lane dead end road, and all but two of the cabins were beyond where we needed to set the box.

Me : we're going to block the whole road to set the box.

Customer : Just do it.

Me- its 30-40 minutes to set up, the same to tear down, and 30 minutes to set your boxes. Going to block the road for 2 hours? (there's got to be 200 guys of various trades working beyond this point)

General Contractor : (loses his mind in various ways) No

Me: best we can do is start at around 5:30 and tell all the subs.

General: Maybe leave the outriggers in on the other side so people can drive past?

Me : Laughs hilariously.

Later that day-

Me : spends until 5:30pm getting cars moved and waiting for a multi billionarie to get done looking at his latest project- and puts outriggers out, totally blocking all access to the project. 2 minutes later I have 4 van's full of mexicans trying to go home and trapped by the crane. They wait for 2 hours while we work. They were all warned. I made lots of friends.

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crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
Taking down a overhead crane. All the siding and roof was blown off the building 10 years ago. They haven't made precast here since before the storm damaged the building, the thieves have stolen all the controls and some of the motors and most of the wiring, but some guy wanted the overhead crane. Well he's got it, but I think he's going to spend more trying to get it working, than he did buying it.

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Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
The sad new shop truck. This is the mid 2000's one with a 5.4 that we gave up and put a reman engine in, and the reman has also died. It slipped over 10 deg in timing, backfired enough to destroy the plastic intake manifold, and has 2 cylinders with bad compression now. Waiting on info about warranty from the reman place.

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Crane op with all the money your making just go buy a new shop truck, we all know that Ford 5.4 is a POS! Wait a minute..there are no trucks on the dealers lots. Damn pandemic.:p:oops:

JK - looking good on all fronts.:D


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2010
bonners ferry,id
A acquaintance owns one, developed a rod knock. I said not to drive it, rod would come adrift, exit block.
He continued driving it, rod made its escape Him out of pocket $500 core chg;

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
Sorry guys- these aren't work pics, just a little family picture time- so if your just here for the work, you can skip this one.

Its been graduation time around here. My oldest daughter just finished 4 years at mizzou in columbia. We just went to her Honors college graduation. One of only 150 or so kids to graduate from the honors college. I don't really know what that means, but there were only 150 kids listed at that graduation, the whole school graduation is huge in the football stadium. She's probably in for some more school as she's thinking she wants to go on and get nursing degree. I'm so proud of her, she's switched majors a couple times finding out what she wants to do, but she's stuck with it and has a direction she wants to go. She's been working at tutoring and a restaurant, to get her way through school.

My son just finished a 2 year degree at community college, and is going to be transferring to missouri state for another 2 years for a B.A in construction management. No pics of his graduation, he said he's waiting until he gets his 4 years done before he walks. The community college has been a great route for him, first two years at community college in missouri are free, so he only has to pony up real $$$ for the last two years. He's been framing this spring while he finished up his second year.

My youngest just finished high school at the top of her class and is headed to Missouri S & T in Rolla for chemical or nuclear engineering. She is getting pretty well a free ride at college. She's worked hard at her classes to get to that point. This will be her third summer as a lifeguard.

Sorry, just had to post the proud dad pictures.

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Senior Member
Apr 23, 2013
Sorry guys- these aren't work pics, just a little family picture time- so if your just here for the work, you

Its been graduation time around here. My oldest daughter just finished 4 years at mizzou in columbia. We just went to her Honors college graduation. One of only 150 or so kids to graduate from the honors college. I don't really know what that means, but there were only 150 kids listed at that graduation, the whole school graduation is huge in the football stadium. She's probably in for some more school as she's thinking she wants to go on and get nursing degree. I'm so proud of her, she's switched majors a couple times finding out what she wants to do, but she's stuck with it and has a direction she wants to go. She's been working at tutoring and a restaurant, to get her way through school.

My son just finished a 2 year degree at community college, and is going to be transferring to missouri state for another 2 years for a B.A in construction management. No pics of his graduation, he said he's waiting until he gets his 4 years done before he walks. The community college has been a great route for him, first two years at community college in missouri are free, so he only has to pony up real $$$ for the last two years. He's been framing this spring while he finished up his second year.

My youngest just finished high school at the top of her class and is headed to Missouri S & T in Rolla for chemical or nuclear engineering. She is getting pretty well a free ride at college. She's worked hard at her classes to get to that point. This will be her third summer as a lifeguard.

Sorry, just had to post the proud dad pictures.

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Awesome! It’s great to see your kids grow into good adults. congratulations


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2016
Delton, Michigan
Sounds like some pretty bright kids with some very bright futures ahead of them. I know a gal that graduated with an engineering degree from Rolla. Caterpillar engineer, very successful career. Excellent education program there and well connected with various industries to help place their students in the workforce after graduation.

Beautiful family you have there @crane operator


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2020
Owner- civil and heavy repair/fab company
Good job with the kids!

The sad new shop truck. This is the mid 2000's one with a 5.4 that we gave up and put a reman engine in, and the reman has also died. It slipped over 10 deg in timing, backfired enough to destroy the plastic intake manifold, and has 2 cylinders with bad compression now. Waiting on info about warranty from the reman place.

Poor ol 5.4 lol. I have one 5.4 truck . It's supposed to me my ride even though I'm always in my service rig. I need to tear into the front of the motor, probably going to put a lockout kit in it.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Older brother graduated UMR 1973, became a PE in Civil Engineering, last work was San Diego Public Water District(Southern CA). He is the one currently in CO.

Congrats to ALL three kids, is a hard row to hoe being in school these days and carrying higher standards grade point averages. You have every right to be proud of them.

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
Thanks for all the congrats guys, its been a ball of fun, next fall is going to be a lot different with no more full time kids in the house.

Its been raining off and on all the time here lately. Fighting between showers I've been neglecting some of my picture taking.

Of course with the rainy season, that means more people missing the shop driveway. Lost two of the curve signs in the last two weeks, one a week after the other.


Post beam barn, six main rafters, pine with metal bracing and a cross tie rod. Going to be a wedding chapel. They have a great view out on the back patio.

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crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
New boiler (45,000lbs or so), and some trusses. I was stuck on the truss job, I had to set right where they took out a dead oak tree. Backed up until my tandems fell in the soft fill, put the crane up on jacks and threw cribbing under the tires in the hole, and managed to walk it back out. Once I was out of the filled in stump hole, it was only greasy on top.

I stuck the 40 ton truck again yesterday in a mulch bed, walked across the curb and the tandems sunk down in pretty good. I got it blocked up, but couldn't get myself out, a little tug from the f450 rigging truck was enough to pop me out.

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crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
Some other work with the mack and the 40 ton.

I've had one of the other guys out at a observation tower, they are installing LED lighting up the sides and around the upper story. Used my fixed basket on the RT, its around 130-140' up, and the other side is further away. I let him do the manbasket job- 4 days of up 4' and wait 20 minutes all day long, tries my patience level.

They have one row of lights, tight up under the overhang of the observation deck, the fixed basket on the jib works great for that.

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crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
Well I hope none of you guys hung a flag from a cable choker over memorial day weekend. It seems they did in connecticut, and the college spent all weekend trying to find a operator to let it down- good luck with that on a holiday weekend.

The steel choker evidently looks like a noose and people are all up in arms about it. We may be outlawed from using chokers from here on out.

Also- don't anyone tell the news people that its called a choker, or for certain we won't be able to use them anymore.


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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2014
North Carolina
Yikes... Someone point out the flag waving in the breeze yet the heavy steel cable hangs straight. College and media are full of educated stupid people.