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land clearing techniques


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
lake city, fl.
Deas Plant: Its a good thing dozer 575 lives across the globe from you, otherwise i think he would have egged your equipment and toilet papered your house by now...lol

special tool

Senior Member
Jun 15, 2008
Bethel, Ct.
i would like some jobs at that rate also, i just finished clearing 30 acres in 15 working days, 11 hours a day,only had sundays off, after clearing had to shear and grind the trees they were mostly small trees, around 12 inch diameter, took 45 hours to grind with 630 horsepower vermeer grinder, got less than 10 % of $500,000..we were also on a tight finishing time, excavators and dump trucks were working around us while we were grinding. i may move to the US.



Senior Member
Feb 18, 2007
SW Iowa
Dozerwork,tiling plus many more!!!!!!!
i would like some jobs at that rate also, i just finished clearing 30 acres in 15 working days, 11 hours a day,only had sundays off, after clearing had to shear and grind the trees they were mostly small trees, around 12 inch diameter, took 45 hours to grind with 630 horsepower vermeer grinder, got less than 10 % of $500,000..we were also on a tight finishing time, excavators and dump trucks were working around us while we were grinding. i may move to the US.

Bring it on! Your be needing that vermeer grinder,just to chisel through the frost:D

Sub-zero weather on the way again.Plus ice storm right now.Always sounds and looks better when the other guys doing it.

I do agree that is a good chunk of money,but you'd earn it before you was done.Especially the ways the weather is going this year.:usa
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australian pete

Senior Member
Oct 5, 2008
clearing contractor.
Bring it on! Your be needing that vermeer grinder,just to chisel through the frost:D

Sub-zero weather on the way again.Plus ice storm right now.Always sounds and looks better when the other guys doing it.

I do agree that is a good chunk of money,but you'd earn it before you was done.Especially the ways the weather is going this year.:usa

glad we dont get your sub zero temps here, or ice storms, cold weather and snow is good for one thing only, skiing,you guys have some great skiing in thre US.


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2004
Richmond NH
glad we dont get your sub zero temps here, or ice storms, cold weather and snow is good for one thing only, skiing,you guys have some great skiing in thre US.
Yup ice storms can be a real problem. Ice storm on 12-11/12-08 still without power since 1 am the 12th, thats 7 plus days now:(


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2008
Iowa, USA
I know how it is...was without power 7 days last winter from ice storm. Took 'till June to clear up all the downed tree limbs. I want no part of it again.


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2004
Richmond NH
This is longest i've gone:( most have been just a day or 2. Was checking psnh's site again today now where looking at the 21st. I was supposed to be back on wensday then the 20th now the 21st.:beatsme Will be nice to someday soon turn on a switch and actually have it work:)


Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
still without power since 1 am the 12th, thats 7 plus days now:(

PSDF350, no power at home but you find an internet connection to HEF - that's what some would call an addiction.:cool2:D

australian pete

Senior Member
Oct 5, 2008
clearing contractor.
Yup ice storms can be a real problem. Ice storm on 12-11/12-08 still without power since 1 am the 12th, thats 7 plus days now:(

that sounds real bad in cold weather, how do you keep warm, cook food and make hot water ?
where is NH, i have been to the US many times, is that around new york state? i shipped my harley over there in 2003 for harley davidson birthday, rode from san francisco to sturgiss, (sturgiss bike week) milwaulkee, chicago ,niagra falls, boston,marthas vineyard, new york city, through texas, new mexico, vegas and back to san francisco, i think we rode through 23 states,( cant remember them all now) did 17,000 kilometres (over 10,000 miles) in 6 weeks.it was summer, no ice storms although we did get caught in some huge downpours and wild storms with wild winds.

Deas Plant

Senior Member
Jan 21, 2006
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Across the globe?????????????

Hi, Rcn11thacr.
I'm on the same side of the Pacific puddle as Dozer 575 at the moment. He isn't exactly breaking down my motel room door.

I don't get on his case 'cos I don't like him. I don't know the man so I can't make that assessment. I get on his case when, and only when, he posts something that I consider to be anywhere from questionable or 'of dubious parentage' through to 'male bovine anal excrement' or just plain garbage. In there, I include any and all posts which contain material that might be dangerous to the uninformed or inexperienced, or even to those with a few clues.

This thread started off with a request for ideas, information and advice on pricing a clearing job with a tight time frame using specific equipment that the enquirer had at his disposal. The query also asked whether it might be worthwhile considering using a chain on this job. Then some clown jumps in and says he has cleared 30 acres of stumps in a week with a rear splitter on his dozer:

Quote (from Dozer 575):
"I did 30 acres in a week one time and that was with 2 to 3 foot fir stumps all logged first. Just a D8 with a splitter on rear and that includes cleaning the debris real good for a chipper." Unquote.

NOWHERE in the original query did the poster mention using a rear splitter or clearing 2-3 fir STUMPS. Also, once you get them out of the ground, stumps are a good bit easier to get into piles than whole trees 'cos you don't have any branches, twigs or leaves to chase up. In my mere 44 years experience, chippers tend to like larger stockpiles to reduce moving and set-up time. This means longer pushing to get said stump remians into those larger piles for the chipper. The math aside, the comparison is like chalk and cheese.

'Nuff said?


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2007
SW Iowa
Dozerwork,tiling plus many more!!!!!!!
that sounds real bad in cold weather, how do you keep warm, cook food and make hot water ?
where is NH, i have been to the US many times, is that around new york state? i shipped my harley over there in 2003 for harley davidson birthday, rode from san francisco to sturgiss, (sturgiss bike week) milwaulkee, chicago ,niagra falls, boston,marthas vineyard, new york city, through texas, new mexico, vegas and back to san francisco, i think we rode through 23 states,( cant remember them all now) did 17,000 kilometres (over 10,000 miles) in 6 weeks.it was summer, no ice storms although we did get caught in some huge downpours and wild storms with wild winds.

Not to hi-jack the thread here for long ,but amazing what happens with the internet and what you learn about peoples experiences.

Sounds like you had quite an experiencing trip. 6 weeks,just think you could have cleared another thirty acre.:D in that time.

Glad to hear you enjoyed.You have saw more then i have in my whole livetime in 6-weeks,except for my two years:) in the Army:usa


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2004
Richmond NH
PSDF350, no power at home but you find an internet connection to HEF - that's what some would call an addiction.:cool2:D
:) All it takes is a generator and be lucky enough that the idiot who wired this house for gen power with no thought to lights:pointhead was smart enough to know what plug I was going to use for computer.

that sounds real bad in cold weather, how do you keep warm, cook food and make hot water ?
where is NH, i have been to the US many times, is that around new york state? i shipped my harley over there in 2003 for harley davidson birthday, rode from san francisco to sturgiss, (sturgiss bike week) milwaulkee, chicago ,niagra falls, boston,marthas vineyard, new york city, through texas, new mexico, vegas and back to san francisco, i think we rode through 23 states,( cant remember them all now) did 17,000 kilometres (over 10,000 miles) in 6 weeks.it was summer, no ice storms although we did get caught in some huge downpours and wild storms with wild winds.
Have our generator that runs stove, furnance, water, fridge, and then there are several plugs that gave us tv, computer and lamps.

Got power back today at 1pm so that was a grand total of 8.5 days without power.:dizzy


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2007
SW Iowa
Dozerwork,tiling plus many more!!!!!!!
Just make sure you disconnect the generator before you turn the power back on ,or the generator will be toast:D

Glad to here the juice is back on.Ice here also ,but no outage yet,but windys are suppose to pickup around 30mph,so might snap a few lines.Last year here was like out there.:usa

australian pete

Senior Member
Oct 5, 2008
clearing contractor.
Not to hi-jack the thread here for long ,but amazing what happens with the internet and what you learn about peoples experiences.

Sounds like you had quite an experiencing trip. 6 weeks,just think you could have cleared another thirty acre.:D in that time.

Glad to hear you enjoyed.You have saw more then i have in my whole livetime in 6-weeks,except for my two years:) in the Army:usa
it was a great trip, i rode through your state of iowa, never seen so much corn in my life.

australian pete

Senior Member
Oct 5, 2008
clearing contractor.
:) All it takes is a generator and be lucky enough that the idiot who wired this house for gen power with no thought to lights:pointhead was smart enough to know what plug I was going to use for computer.

Have our generator that runs stove, furnance, water, fridge, and then there are several plugs that gave us tv, computer and lamps.

Got power back today at 1pm so that was a grand total of 8.5 days without power.:dizzy

we are lucky we do not have the extremes of weather that you have.

special tool

Senior Member
Jun 15, 2008
Bethel, Ct.
Pete - nice pics.
This is pretty much what I expected.
Please understand that thhe US is still geographically considered "forest"

For example, the land that 575 claims he cleared is "logged land".
You couldn't even believe thhe difference between tat and the pics you posted.
You can barely WALK in logged land without tripping over a stump.
The pics you posted are already cleared, bubba.;):p


Senior Member
Oct 18, 2004
Richmond NH
Just make sure you disconnect the generator before you turn the power back on ,or the generator will be toast:D

Glad to here the juice is back on.Ice here also ,but no outage yet,but windys are suppose to pickup around 30mph,so might snap a few lines.Last year here was like out there.:usa

No I turned gas line off so it could run itself out of gas and flip panel switches from gen back to house.