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One or Two Spare Tracks?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2014
Central Ohio
I just bought a Takeuchi TB-135 and was thinking it would be wise to keep a spare track on hand.

I'm not very experienced with this sort of equipment and I suspect my military APC experience would be of limited applicability.

So, is it OK to keep a single track on hand as a spare or do they really need to be replaced as a pair?


Senior Member
Feb 19, 2012
My feeling is this, you just bought the machine, IF the tracks don't look so good and you have money to spend, get a set of tracks until the old ones just won't go anymore. If you are tight on money, I would run the machine and make sure you like it and make sure it doesn't have any hidden mechanical issues that you'd spend some money on first. You can get tracks delivered in a couple of days from just about anywhere these days if one breaks. The other thing to do is keep an eye on CL or machinery trader for a set of used tracks.


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2009
Yep, that's a pretty popular machine, I wouldn't think you would have a problem getting a replacement in short order as Tags said. If you're the belt and suspenders type (which I am) I would say just get one spare, wrap it in black plastic and keep it indoors and dry. When you break one, put the spare on and order another.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2014
Central Ohio
Well, it's not that I'm worried about getting a new track for it. It's that I'm worried that if it breaks down on the job I want to be able to get it back on the job as fast as possible.

The tracks that are on it are fine.

It's just that I'm a control freak. Or to put it more politely, belt and suspenders… As you said.

The concern I have about one track versus two tracks is that I honestly don't know if it's okay to put a brand-new track on a machine with an older track already on it. Also although I THINK these tracks can go on either side of the machine I don't actually KNOW, so I thought I would ask and see if they are directional and need to be replaced in pairs.


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2009
Understood. Naw the machine won't really care if you mix and match tracks, though if you mix old and new or different tread patterns you may experience some difference in traction side to side. If the track has a directional tread design it should be marked, or the dealer should be able to tell you how it goes on for best traction toward the blade. Tracks will fit either side, and actually if the outer edges of your tracks get rough you might extend the life by swapping them from one side to the other, puts the clean edges to the outside.