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Theft and tresspassing....how to stop them without jail time. Suggestions?


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2008
I had a visit last night from an aspiring fuel thief. Not only was the fuel cap on the truck dangling from its chain, the thief cut and stole the flimsy wire fence I was using as a gate. In order to at least make it look like I'm not extending an open invitation to the general public, I picked up a couple of 2m high temporary fence panels and used them to make a quick and dirty gate. It's not how I wanted to spend my Sunday afternoon, but I guess you don't get to choose when you get robbed.

If the guy got any fuel it couldn't have been much. I make it a point to fill the truck in the morning and only put in enough to get through the day. I think I coasted in on fumes the last time I parked the truck. Fuel theft is a common problem here and I figured it was a question of when, not if. I don't have a locking fuel cap- there are thieves that will puncture the tank to get to the fuel.

Fencing isn't the best solution because they simply snip the wires. The last fence installed wasn't up for a week before it was cut in 3 different places.

I'm thinking about coiled barbed wire, but that's a problem with weeds and briars. A livestock electric fence might be an option, but unless it's set up in a way that it's difficult to cut, it would be pretty easy to defeat. I've considered rigging an air horn to sound if tension is lost on a wire- probably not a popular option with the neighbors.

Motion activated flood lights and a cctv system would make me sleep better as well. If anybody has input on a simple cctv system with 1 or 2 cameras that they use and like, please share. Ideally, I would want something that stores footage for a week or two and then records over it.

When the thief steals your gate, it's probably a good sign that it's time to get more proactive about security.

Any input or ideas?


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2013
Wherever I end up
Well trained Dog(s). I had a big white german shepard that watched my yard, I swear that dog punched the clock. After 5 PM, NOBODY got in the gate... Including me. 7AM and all was good,eat some dinner and hang out in the office and shop all day. I do Know of a guy that used motion detectors and a tape of barking dogs to good use also.

still learn'n

Senior Member
Feb 6, 2012
wild game cameras aren't that expensive and can record video to at least some can if that's wat your wanting! Jerry

Dwan Hall

Senior Member
Nov 10, 2004
Juneau, Alaska
Self Employed
Put a 55 drum by your truck with a label on says "GAS" sugar the gas and let them have it.


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2013
I really like the air horn, or maybe a backup alarm? Not sure how you'd make it work reliably though.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2012
Moose Lake, MN
Retired Cons't. Supt./Hospitals
There is a number of wireless motion activated lights with built in cameras that both store or send the image to your computer, your phone, or you can program to come up on your TV if protecting your home property. About $140.00 at Lowes. Lots of different styles out there if you google wireless security lights. Good luck.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2009
Northern California
contractor,owner operater
Home depot or lowes has some inexpensive motion censor alarm and flashing strobe lights that are battery operated and have mounts that are hung with sticky tape and the alarms just click in and out of them. The alarm is very loud and the lights are bright. Under 20 bucks apiece. I mounted one inside my battery box and one behind the cab looking at the fuel tank. It says the field of vision is 12ft but its much larger. I was having a real problem with theft earlier in the year and have not lost anything else since I started using these things. For a while I was mounting a game camera on my boom, twice it caught a couple of guys climbing onto the tracks the next picture showed the lights on the alarms come the next picture they were gone. The lights and siren turn off after about a minute. Best money I ever spent. Hope this helps.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2013
Miami Fl
around here we have k9 rental for this they drop off the dog at a pre determined time and pick them up in the am no food to worry about and no dogs to maintain


Aug 31, 2011
Get some "surplus" claymor mines.
If you don't know what they are- google it. You will like the idea, I think they should be everywhere. I hate thieves.
Motion sensor and instead of hooking it to a light, hook it to a .50 cal.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2009
My first vote is for the airhorn I love the idea! Lmao...... One spring applied pressure released if they cut the wire and another one at the other end of the wire acting as normal to sense wire tension, cattle hotwire wouldn't bother many people....or at least those of us that grab spark plug wires and deal with cattle fence everyday.

For the most part reputation keeps my stuff in place ;)...... I've been asked if I was the one that shot the thief with rock salt out of a .410 before but that was back when I was in the snow&ice biz lol...... i had my offsite warehouse broken into, not sure what if anything they got but we cleared it out and centralized all of our stuff the best we can but with 3 shops and crap setting all over the county it's hard to be in all the places at one time.

Had a problem a while back with employee theft but made a example out of him and that never happened again. But for the jobsites and stuff your fighting I would say trailcams but the bitch of it is they'll steal the damn $150 trailcam If you ain't careful lol

Another theory is that if you light it up they can see what they're taking, and if you chain it up they think there's something valuable, I have heard stories of people getting sued by a would be thief for dog bites as well and a $xxxxx lawsuit may be more expensive than 50gal of fuel once in a while, I also agree that water in a barrel marked GAS would work but you would have to fill the line with the real stuff just in case they sniffed it before taking it



Active Member
Dec 2, 2013
Alberta Canada
I also agree that water in a barrel marked GAS would work but you would have to fill the line with the real stuff just in case they sniffed it before taking it


You must have smart thieves. My cousin had people stealing gas from his farm, fixed it by putting a marked diesel sticker on his gas tank. Stopped the problem right away


Senior Member
Mar 1, 2008
I have a trail cam, but I'm hesitant to leave it out.......after all, they did steal the gate. I found some cctv kits that might take care of the evidence side of things. I still have to deal with the deterrent / retribution side of the issue.

Steve Frazier

Staff member
Oct 30, 2003
LaGrangeville, N.Y.
You can get a 4 camera DVR surveillance system for about $300 that will store about 6 months worth of video before it starts recording over old files. The cameras can be set to be motion activated and are infrared for night use as well. The higher your budget, the better a system you can get with more cameras. By doing your homework you can find a 16 camera system for under $1000. They also can be monitored from remote locations if they are tied into the internet and even can be monitored from a smart phone. They can be set up to alert you as well if a camera has been tripped. Sam's Club has a great selection at good prices, or if you search "surveillance system" at Ebay you'll go dizzy from the number of selections. You can even improve upon the system if you need by purchasing a high resolution camera for an area of coverage that might be out of good range of the standard cameras. They run about $350 a piece but can see much further out and give the cops good evidence for a conviction.

I've used game cameras too in remote areas with no power supply. When I worked for the Town we had a problem with drug activity in the parks after hours. I set the camera high in a tree focusing on the area I would find the drug paraphernalia. Within a few days I got a series of pictures of the offenders, and in one frame it was clear that one had spotted the camera. He climbed the tree and turned the camera away from where they were doing their smoking, but unknowingly refocused the camera on the car they had used to get there revealing the license plate number LOL!! Gave the pics to the cops, they found them and we never had a problem with them again! The camera worked as well at another park where vandalism was a problem, again, I hung it high in a tree and the following weekend got a series of shots of local kids tearing the place up. Cops recognized them and gave them a stern warning.

With the game camera, place it high where it will be difficult to both see and reach. Remember, these guys are coming in the dark so they aren't likely to see the camera if it's properly placed. The infrared flash isn't visible to humans and will still take clear black and white pictures. My incidents took place in daylight but I did get very clear pictures of other people in the parks after dark in the process. If you are purchasing a camera for the job, I'd recommend one that will let you preview the pictures taken, otherwise you have to remove the camera to do so, or you can get a spare SD card and swap out for review. Batteries lasted 2 to 3 weeks of constant surveillance.


Senior Member
May 4, 2007
Squamish BC (Home), Slave Lake, AB (Work)
Don't laugh but... Geese! If you can fence the area off well enough to keep the geese in that is. We used to have geese and a big intimidating gold coloured dog. People would go right up to the dog and try to make friends even with him barking away like a mad man. Geese make tons of noise when somebody shows up and you'd be surprised how even big tough guys go running for their mommy when a goose heads in their direction! The other benefit is you get some really big eggs for part of the year and you could always do with a good christmas dinner..........


Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
Put a 55 drum by your truck with a label on says "GAS" sugar the gas and let them have it.

I like Dwan's idea. They would never figure out where they got the bad gas from since they are probably stealing from everyone. Ruin their engine they are putting it in or the ones they are selling it too and you will get rid of that band of thieves.

Personally I like 12 gauge, buckshot or heavy dove load, either way it's a great deterrent. Yes I know other States and Countries have varying laws regarding this but at least in AL, I have this option.;)


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2009
Personally I like 12 gauge, buckshot or heavy dove load, either way it's a great deterrent. Yes I know other States and Countries have varying laws regarding this but at least in AL, I have this option.;)

The "castle law" is a wonderful little document ain't it ;) lol
