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No one wants to work also They don’t want to pay

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
Its funny i have a great long term memory and the guys i remember complaining about wages were not the best workers. I really have never work at a place were i didnt think the wages were far. One place i worked they had a strict rules about no talking about wages. One day one of the guys said what he was making it was the same as me. That was odd because i was certified in several things he wasnt. It really hit me funny but i was making good money and looking back if i would have said anything someone would have been fired .


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
I see both arguments here............everybody is right in their own respect. I see young people that feel like they are owed everything without doing much the most. It's a sad situation that will not get better. I also see people busting their ass daily for not enough pay in my opinion.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
I work in the oilfield in western Kansas and it's not much better, pay is 20+ with no experience and people still need their mom to wake them up, still doesn't mean they will show


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
Well said Doug.

One needs to factor in the local cost of living, company benefits, job description, state/local taxes, etc. in order determine if a wage is "competitive".

AND just because Company A is paying $47.89 per hour for an operator, it doesn't mean that every other dirt mover in the state has to match that or pay more. [HINT, HINT, same goes for McDonald's]

I'll say it one more time. Pissing and moaning that if you can make $X of money per hour at McDonalds, why can't these other places pay way more than that, go cry in your beer.

Norcal wrench530

Active Member
Aug 4, 2023
Northern Cali
Independent Equipment Mechanic
Was a farm foreman and shop forman for the same rice/walnut farm for 15 years, climbed the ladder up to $25/hr was it enough? no but some of these guys cant compete with the bigger farms/companies wages... tractor operators were making $21... I was putting in all the hours, did everything but sign the paychecks... finally realized that i wasnt valued for what i was putting out and they "couldnt" afford to pay more, seen dozens of workers come in for a week just to leave after we / I invested time in training them, So I have seen it from both sides. the young guys "most of them" granted i'm a young guy but i say I was born in the wrong era bused my ass every day to do my job the best I could, isnt the case for the workers we were getting. So you know what I did? Changed the channel, invested in myself, bought a service truck and took the bull by the horns, i never complained about pay, just did my job. like it was said here above, the ones who complain about pay also scoffed and whined if they were asked to do anything more than sit in a cab or to check their equipment. Its a people problem, not being taught good work ethic or just keep your nose to the grindstone.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2023
Washington State
If the average American had their paycheck tripled, they'd have the same buying-power as 4 years ago.

Debating over 25, vs 30, vs 45 dollar per hour wages is avoiding the elephant in the room - which is that our nation is on the cusp of a Great Depression or Hyperinflation event.

Ask yourself this - why are the rich buying up all the land?
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Georgia Iron

Senior Member
May 6, 2012
USA - Georgia
Concrete building slab and grading contractor
If the average American had their paycheck tripled, they'd have the same buying-power as 4 years ago.

Debating over 25, vs 30, vs 45 dollar per hour wages is avoiding the elephant in the room - which is that our nation is on the cusp of a Great Depression or Hyperinflation event.

Ask yourself this - why are the rich buying up all the land?
I would like to know. Why are they buying up all the land? And what are they doing with it?

Norcal wrench530

Active Member
Aug 4, 2023
Northern Cali
Independent Equipment Mechanic
If the average American had their paycheck tripled, they'd have the same buying-power as 4 years ago.

Debating over 25, vs 30, vs 45 dollar per hour wages is avoiding the elephant in the room - which is that our nation is on the cusp of a Great Depression or Hyperinflation event.

Ask yourself this - why are the rich buying up all the land?
I felt I actually Made more money at $17/hr 5 years ago, my wife and I were just discussing that the other day.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2023
Washington State
When money is expected to lose appreciable value, the goal is to exchange (spend) the money for something tangible today, that will not lose applicable value tomorrow. Historically people purchased gold. The problem is that gold is only a viable investment when someone buys it back from you.

Land however always has value. If the US dollar were to completely collapse in a hyperinflation event (where the US switches to some form of new global currency - which might actually happen), land will not collapse. It will retain market-value within the new form of currency.

Note that Costco recently sold a few billion dollars worth of gold, while land values continue to climb. This is alarming. Investors buy gold when they expect high inflation. They sell their gold & buy land when they expect something worse.

A guy at work used to joke by saying when the crap hits the fan, a person could be walking down the street with a ham sandwich in one hand, and a bar of gold in the other. He'll be shot & killed for his ham sandwich, and left for dead holding the bar of gold.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
^ money is imaginary and only works if both parties agree on the value of money, which is the same on USD, gold, or a trade good.

Real estate is great, essential items are always useful, and appreciable items such as non emissions engines are a safe bet.

When I started in the oilfield I would make in one day what was all week at Walmart and I was only making 13.50/hr. Now a overnight stocker could probably make 80-90% what you start on the oil field especially how people don't make 5 days for overtime


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
could probably make 80-90% what you start on the oil field especially how people don't make 5 days for overtime

Thanks to

[shall remain unwritten to abide by the rules]

there are a lot of places that have to pay DOUBLE, that's right, DOUBLE base pay rate for overtime.

FURTHERMORE, overtime is not "after 40" anymore, it's any time after EIGHT HOURS IN ONE DAY.

THANK YOU [**********] for this crap.

Norcal wrench530

Active Member
Aug 4, 2023
Northern Cali
Independent Equipment Mechanic
Thanks to

[shall remain unwritten to abide by the rules]

there are a lot of places that have to pay DOUBLE, that's right, DOUBLE base pay rate for overtime.

FURTHERMORE, overtime is not "after 40" anymore, it's any time after EIGHT HOURS IN ONE DAY.

THANK YOU [**********] for this crap.
If you're in the AG industry (in COMMIEFORNIA anyway) and employer has under 25 employees you still get screwed for overtime, it was anything after 12, then dropped to 10, last year was 9, this year 8.5 and next year anything after 8 is overtime then they threw in if you work consecutively 7 days the 7th day is double time, so we got Sundays off .. they're slowly implementing this, but all it did was take your "overtime" hours and made them hire a few more people to get things done and everyone goes home after the "regular" time, which hurt, sometimes all you get to bank on is your overtime hrs. Or my personal favorite... after your regular time, clock out and then clock in for the next farm entity... LOL


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
Thanks to

[shall remain unwritten to abide by the rules]

there are a lot of places that have to pay DOUBLE, that's right, DOUBLE base pay rate for overtime.

FURTHERMORE, overtime is not "after 40" anymore, it's any time after EIGHT HOURS IN ONE DAY.

THANK YOU [**********] for this crap.

With federal labor laws as long as your making more than minimum wage employers can really do whatever that want to. They could not pay you overtime and as long as your making more than minimum wage it's a ok.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
With federal labor laws as long as your making more than minimum wage employers can really do whatever that want to. They could not pay you overtime and as long as your making more than minimum wage it's a ok.

Where is this at? Surely not here. If an employee gets pissed and can prove with timecards they're owed back wages, they will get it. Heard it happen too many times. Our state doesn't require double time or OT after 8.........yet.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
Look up the federal labor laws, it's all over. Example if you make 20 an hour and work 60 hours and they only pay you 1200, and if the federal minimum wage is 10 (I don't know what it is) and if they pay you anything over $700 the employer cannot be held liable federally. You either have a state law or a contract.

This is why there is variance in overtime time calculations as you get more than min wage so really anything can fly. Always figure earning per year and time worked when getting a job and not hourly rate.