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Vancouver Island, BC. Logging at its Best!


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011
Eastern NC
Attitude Adjuster at the Graybar Hotel
Cab on that Hayes COE almost looks like an F Model Mack. Was this truck built after Mack took over and raped the company?


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
After Mack bought controlling interest in Hayes in 1969 they brought some of their people from down south to see what they could do to change Hayes. One of their ideas because they had a surplus of these "Sheller" cabs was for Hayes to buy them off Mack and replace the existing hand built COE cabs (Time saver). John Rotar was the head tin basher in the cab section at Hayes at the time and he recalled what a time they had with them. It turned out to be a real engineering nightmare for the Hayes engineers but they worked their way through it and the cabs were adapted to the Hayes COE's. Brockway also used the same cab. Very few are still in existence up this way today . The cabs just rusted out and fell apart. We keep on top of the old girl and use her to retrieve parts and stuff. That truck that we have was ordered new back in 1972 by Quickasair to haul back east. They were built with van bodies on the truck and pulled a wagon trailer I have pictures of them here somewhere. She was later sold and ended up in the graving dock in Victoria as a mobile sand blasting truck, That is where we bought her with the 20 foot flatdeck and Hiab it is handy as heck.


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011
Eastern NC
Attitude Adjuster at the Graybar Hotel
Used F Models were dirt cheap around here back in the day. I believe Brockway also used an R Model cab in their last 2 model years of conventionals, 1975 and 1976 IIRC.


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011
Eastern NC
Attitude Adjuster at the Graybar Hotel
How much do you figure one of those loads of cedar would bring delivered to port, or to the mill?


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
In the last two pictures you can see where Pete is draining the water tank for the weekend. Suppose to get cold and freeze!!! This was also an ex BCFP truck Im not sure of her original 6-### number. Seems to me her F/C Timberwaste number was 40-140 . Somewhere I have a picture of John Bell driving her hauling to China Creek DLS


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
Vigilant Geez im not sure but I will ask one of the scaler/grader's in the dryland for a rough guess of what they would get for them. The logs all belong to Western Forest Products and we(Island Pacific Logging) just log for them. It is WFP that has markets all over the world for them. The area these two loads came from is a new cut block we just went into. The fallers go in and fall the right of way so the grade crew can build the roads. the trees that are felled for the road are called right of way logs. We go in and haul them all out after the road is built then the fallers go back in and drop the whole setting. There is a lot of really big cedar on this sidehill so there is going to be quite a number of huge loads hauled down from there. Don't know if you are interested but I can snap the odd picture of some of the loads the guys are hauling from up there if you want as its logged.


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011
Eastern NC
Attitude Adjuster at the Graybar Hotel
Vigilant Geez im not sure but I will ask one of the scaler/grader's in the dryland for a rough guess of what they would get for them. The logs all belong to Western Forest Products and we(Island Pacific Logging) just log for them. It is WFP that has markets all over the world for them. The area these two loads came from is a new cut block we just went into. The fallers go in and fall the right of way so the grade crew can build the roads. the trees that are felled for the road are called right of way logs. We go in and haul them all out after the road is built then the fallers go back in and drop the whole setting. There is a lot of really big cedar on this sidehill so there is going to be quite a number of huge loads hauled down from there. Don't know if you are interested but I can snap the odd picture of some of the loads the guys are hauling from up there if you want as its logged.

Would love to see it, sir. Thanks.

I assume we're looking at second growth timber here?


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011
Eastern NC
Attitude Adjuster at the Graybar Hotel
By the way, how is IPL to work for? Seems that so many outfits have gone the way of Weyco, and been taken over by stinking MBAs. When my dad started with Weyco, they promoted people from within who had what they felt it would take to advance. Now, it's all about the bean counters.

Mr. Emil Knutz had an 8th grade education, and retired as a VP. He was a personal friend of my dad's and a first class gent. How times have changed.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
Do we want to see more pictures of big timber, big trucks, and beautiful country. Heck I will take any of those and all together just a bonus. Looking forward to what ever pictures you share with us HDX. Save a few of those big logs for this summer!

Blk prince

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2014
Ladysmith bc canada
Truck driver semi retired
Nice to see a Pacific,and having a Cat is a bonus.Lol.Never hard on the eyes to look at more pictures!Do trucks sit loaded over weekend in the sort?
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Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
I just had to post those because it show the mighty Pacific can in fact still hold its own!!! I asked Pete if he wanted the old "17" in there for scale but he declined

Blk prince

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2014
Ladysmith bc canada
Truck driver semi retired
Why such a thick front on the bulkhead? Was this the original fabrication? As for the "17" my oh my,you do not want her to become camera shy.
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Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
Vigilant No its old growth red cedar. We don't get involved with the pis#-pot trucks and the second growth. Every now and then we will get sent into a second growth loader and haul a load of camp run but for the most part there is a uneasy tolerance between highway trucks and the REAL TRUCKS!!! They cant function without calling at every Christmas tree on the road both empty and loaded whereas we drive like there is a loaded truck around every corner. The loaded truck calls and has the right of way and the empty truck listens and gets out of the way-- Very simple Not rocket science no need for a bunch of radio pollution. Black Prince Sometimes depending on where you end up you have to leave the truck where ever with the load on. At Franklin we use to stand the load up on its legs over nite or on a weekend but with things the way they are today you just park. It gets bad sometimes when you have to leave your truck in the bush or along the mainline like maybe old Camp"B" on a weekend because you can be sure that at least the fuel tank will take a hit and anything you have in the truck will be gone, Cripes even the cinch lines and cinch bars will disappear off the load. One of the timber sale contract trucks a few years ago was parked on Northfork Main and they came out on Monday morning and a couple trailer tires and wheel wedges even the spacer was gone. These were 1400:X25 tires. NOT SAFE IN THE FOREST ANYMORE!!!